Full Version: so, i think i might not be vegetarian - anymore, that 7 years of strict diet
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Not since she started eating bacon.

I just known her for like 3 years and never remember her being a vegetarian...
She isn't. She eats bacon. Pay attention!
didn't she order chicken fingers at the bar one night?
You guys hang out alot it seems.
only the cool kids.
who are we kidding?
what, we're cool! Dammit, we are!!!!!
sure thing hipster, watch those fragile bones gramps.
my bones are fine, it's the cartilage that I have issues with.

Edited By Goatweed on 1063589090
drink your ensure.
nah, that's chalky as hell - I'm taking Glucosamine though.
I am cool so you are all cool by association
I agree.
sleeper is cool but we ain't no sleepers.
nor could we ever be.
Whoever has kitties for pets is cool.
Anyone care for some chinese food?
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