Full Version: I can finally get a Tivo!
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remember when everytime you wanted to change the channel, you had to get up and turn the dial?

yea, me neither
so weird, what are you TIVOing?

so far i've season passed: Biography, Behind The Music, The Real World, Jimmy Kimmel, Howard Stern, and The Daily Show
He is setting it up right now. I'm watching Rushmore. :-D
:5: Tivo :5:

That's pretty much all there is to say
do not record everything at best quality, its stupid and you will waste all of your hours.
I really notice no significant difference between best and medium quality
you know what really blows though. you can't watch something else while something is recording. that really, really blows.
You can't or you just can't figure out how to?

Cause I can! :5:
wait. how?
I don't know, but I was watching Joe Schmo last night, was able to flip channels during commercials, go back to Joe Schmo when I realized the commercials were probably over, rewind, watch that part of Joe Schmo I missed up to the next commercial, go back to the other channel I flipped to during the commercials, rewind that and watch it too.

i think i need to have two TWO coaxial cables coming from my satellite, thus 2 signals. when recording 1 signal, you watch the other. unfortunately i dont think i have one at the moment and that sounds like it would involve me either climbing on the roof or calling directv over to install another cable.
Yes, that's what Weird just said.
I don't know much about satellite, but cant you just buy a coax splitter and split the signal in your house? If it's the same coax as cable, it should work - I split mine 4 ways.
no, when you split a DirecTV signal it does not work, you need a direct connection from the satellite to the receiver. correct me if i am wrong. i have tried to split the cable before and it did not work.
A coax splitter wont work with satellite signals because the LNB can't handle the dual load. You need a round dish with 2 LNBs or an oval dish that points to 2 sats. You can get a LNB at Radio Shaq and install it yourself.
Did you see what he did there? Shaq... like in the commercial.
So far I set up a season pass for Inuyasha and Joe Schmo. :5:
....and XPlay.
i still havent hooked my tivo up at school Undecided
i currently watching Bowling For Columbine which i had TIVO record for me last night at 2:30AM
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