Full Version: I can finally get a Tivo!
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Overnight my Tivo automatically recorded some children's show off the WAM channel. I'm gonna have to teach it a lesson.
Did it have anything to do with blackjack?

Cause if it did, I told you so.
It didn't.. so you're a tool. :21:
i have 2 cables coming from my satelite, so to make it into 4 my dad bought this thing from radioshack that you put those 2 coax cables into and out comes 4

is that the same thing weird was talking about?
the first night i had tivo, it recroded that special on HBO about the hookers at the bunnyranch in Nevada.....we have been in love ever since.
michael moore is a genius!
Yeah.. a multiswitch. That and you still need 2 ouputs from the satellite. I got little too technical before, but I'm better now. :fuggin:

Edited By Weird NJ on 1065667653
I got a Tivo deal from DirecTV, for $169 I got the Tivo with installation. I can watch one thing while recording another or record two shows at once. Nice!
did you pay for the service? do you even need it since the satelite gets all the tv listings?
i didnt pay a dime over the $99 for the TIVO receiver itself. with DirecTV, there were no additional charges and no monthly fees in addition to my normal DirecTV subscription.
What a great toy!

It recorded Mr. Show for me last night. I didn't think HBO even aired it anymore.
holy shit! i gotta try and snag Mr. Show!!!
It's crazy! I was watching Reno 911 at 6 in the afternoon!
can you send me the episode of reno 911?
joobies is going to be so sad :9:
Watching your favorite shows as you get ready for work is the best thing ever.
I never ever ever have to channel surf again.
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