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I bet she shows up in a tiara
I was thinking the same thing about you.
what that I'll show up in her?
Are you asking for a ride?
Seriously. someone better be sending a limo for me or something. There is no fucking way I'm sitting on the chicken bus to get out to Brooklyn
Galt Wrote:Seriously. someone better be sending a limo for me or something. There is no fucking way I'm sitting on the chicken bus to get out to Brooklyn
we can ride the chicken bus together!
ill see all of you there!
I can't wait to touch your glorious cock
sleeper, he was talking to you. score!
I thought you were in Boston?
I am no Black Laz, that's for sure
oh yeah! i forgot i am in boston, i cant make it. shucks!
My cock will suffice.
see. I am starting to tell people apart. It only took me two years.
Sleeper and Galt riding the train together would be amazing. The former comedy duo could work on some amazing material to entertain us all night cause I ain't sayin shit.
I am thinking of trying to locate this Arpi guy and have us both show up together. Anybody got his number?
Bland Wrote:I am thinking of trying to locate this Arpi guy and have us both show up together. Anybody got his number?
why would you wanna show up with arpi?
Bland Wrote:I am thinking of trying to locate this Arpi guy and have us both show up together. Anybody got his number?
It will be amazing to watch them both keep on missing eachother because the other is always someplace else all night long.

Like superman and clark kent, except neither one is as cool.
I figure if I bring him with me then you can all find closure and finally embrace me for the beautiful person that I am.
If you show up with the skank from downstairs we will embrace her.
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