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thanks - I should be there around 8 also
I gotta make a quick stop close by there before I come so I should be there about 8:15 or so.
I don't want any flowers. Thanks anyway.

How are you people going to know who is who. I envision 4 people standing in opposite corners because they don't want to walk up to a stranger and ask "are you ummmmm Gonzostyle?" because they are afraid of getting maced.

Edited By Galt on 1069527362
you act like this is the first time everybody went out together
oh thats easy, just wear your sig pic and or avatar on your shirt
after you get off exit 7 where do you go?
yea, unless someone can drive me and joobies back to school tonight, we can't come.

sorry Undecided
take a fucking train or a cab. Quit being such a kike
youre mixing us up again
ok, if i can stay at sleepers or something i'll come, and joobies won't
Joobies can stay


No I wasn't WBK
i'll drive joobies home.
i can't believe you're actually going to meet these people on purpose. :disappointed:
What time is the helicopter coming for me?
HedCold Wrote:after you get off exit 7 where do you go?
when you get off the exit, you make a right and then a quick left onto Neptune Ave/St. Then you take that all the way down until you see a Greek Diner on your left (I forget the name) and you make a left on that block - then you drive up like 2 or 3 blocks and the bar is on your right. Parking isn't usually too bad around there.
so it apparantly takes 90 minutes on the subway.

Therefore, I'm arriving at 10:30, and leaving at 11:00
I would come but I wasn't invited.

That's ok...I need to clip my toenails tonight anyway.
Argh. I wish we were doing something next weekend. :\
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