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I should break 10,000 in the spring.
Wow. Caught me off gaurd.
Now I have to fucking catch up.
he has to sleep sometime, right?
His name is Sleeper. You'd figure he does.
wow - that's deep.
Danked: 11284
Sleeper: 11280

That'll teach you to nap in the middle of the day, Sleeperooni!
the 10 weed commandments
The Golden Rule works for pot:
If a friend has nothing to smoke and you do, smoke them up.
If you've got munchies and drink and he doesn't, let him have a bit of yours.
Left-Hand Rule: Always pass to the left.
That way if your driving in a car, The Driver never has to reach behind him to grab the joint. Not that we would ever drive & do drugs at the same time. Heaven Forbid!
He who rolls a joint gains automatic sparking privileges.
If he rolls a nice joint, tell him so.
If he does not wish to spark, he may pass the privilege to someone else.
Keep other people's lighters out of your pocket!!!
He who rolls a joint gains automatic sparking privileges.
If he rolls a nice joint, tell him so.
If he does not wish to spark, he may pass the privilege to someone else.
Never complain about somebody else's weed.
They didn't have to include you...
Don't knock it, free pot is good pot.
Never turn down a toke, unless you are too stoned (hay it happens).
Pity he who is too stoned.
We have a Stoner Forum, you know.
Danked Wrote:We have a Stoner Forum, you know.
indeed we do! :banana: :fuggin:
It's because we don't advertise.
if we did, imagine the crap that would come through!
At this rate, I'll hit 10,000 sometime in the year 110336.

Oh, and Hi! :21:
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