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i was considering doing that but i wasn't sure, FINE
glad i could help
and, with what will be post #3700, i go to bed
I have four posts a day more than Hedcold?

I really need to get under 10 a day
Even with all my lay offs and hiatuses no one can surpass me.

astonishing effort though to pass Danked.
i just want to get to 100 posts in this thread
niiiiineeeettyyyy eight
you snooze sir,

Poster Posts
The Sleeper 100
HedCold 40
Danked 23
Goatweed 4
GonzoStyle 1
Galt 1
skidmark 1
WhackBagKid 1
Hybrid 1

every thread should have that ratio
10,000 is glorious
Sleeper: 11257
Danked: 11257
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I did it!
Gonzo better watch his fuckin' back!
no shit!
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