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River's Edge with Dennis Hopper ,Kianu Reeves and the guy that played Marty McFly's dad in back to the future.

Great Flick.
Hit The Dutchman, it's a low budget mafia movie about the life of Dutch Schultz. No one famous in the film but it was pretty entertaining.
Bully is such a great movie. As is Welcome to the Dollhouse "i'm gonna rape you"

don't forget about Pi & Cube
Pi was horrible, I didn't like it one bit.

Cube was awesome, the sequel was weak though.
pi is obscure?

i loved cube. i couldn't bring myself to watch the sequel.

i thought Pi was awesome. But The Omega Code is really really really really shitty.
well if swimming with sharks is obscure Pi can also be considered obscure.
Last Supper

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i forgot about last supper.i saw that a long time ago. it was really really good.

happieness is a really fucked up movie.

i dunno if this counts but shallow grave is an awesome movie too.
Last Supper was great. Shallow Grave as well, yes.
I enjoyed Death to Smoochy and most of my friends haven't seen that so I count it as obscure. Also, Boondock Saints hasn't been mentioned but I'm sure that goes in the list with Fight Club etc.
I've never seen Boondock Saints.
Happiness is one of my favorite movies ever. I thought Last Supper was kinda dumb and repetitive.
I loved Fisher King (Jeff Bridges, Robin Williams). I see it as obscure because I'm the only one I know that likes it.
Quote:River's Edge with Dennis Hopper ,Kianu Reeves and the guy that played Marty McFly's dad in back to the future.

Great Flick.
crispin glover was so bad in this. everytime he spoke i laughed. this movie was just plain retarded and i hated all the characters. they were all assholes.
Coincidence, Both Cube and Chuck & Buck are gonna be on IFC tonight. Cube starts at 8 and Chuck & Buck at 9:45.

Another obscure film I always loved in the vein of rain man and chuck and buck. Dominick and Eugene with Tom Hulce and Ray Liotta, it was overshadowed by rain man cause of the similarities and because Dominick and Eugene didn't get as much backing by its studio. It's also about two brothers, Hulce plays the retarded brother who is working as a garbage man to support himself and his brother (liotta) who is trying to get through med school. Ofcourse theres dead weight in the film embodied by Jamie Lee Curtis.
When that guy drugs, and subsequently rapes that little That is just fucking comedy gold right there.

Especially when the parents find out because they're now faggot little boy is bleeding out of his ass.

How can you not want to just see that movie again and again and again
love and a .45 is a rather entertaining obscure film
Quote:crispin glover was so bad in this. everytime he spoke i laughed.

Exactly! And Feck (Dennis Hooper) was an amazing character.
Quote:Coincidence, Both Cube and Chuck & Buck are gonna be on IFC tonight. Cube starts at 8 and Chuck & Buck at 9:45.
I actually ended up watching another movie on IFC tonight called "Buddy Boy" which was really good. It's about a stuttering loner who spies on a hot girl across the street, and they end up meeting and become lovers, but his self-hatred gets the best of him. There's also a really interesting plot twist involving his mother. I'd recommend seeking it out.
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