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both that you mentioned are quite enjoyable
I love Hard Eight (aka Sydney), but most people I mention it to find it a bit slow. Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson before he made Boogie Nights, it stars the great John C. Reilly as a down on his luck gambler trying to earn money for his mom's funeral. Philip B_aker Hall takes him under his wing and teaches him how to work the casinos for a little cash. Samuel L. Jackson, as always, is pretty kick ass here and Gwenyth Paltrow does an excellent job as a miserable waitress/prostitute. There's some great dialogue and character development here, but the pace of the movie irks people with short attention spans.
Hard Eight is great.
Does American Splendor count? Read about it everywhere, but don't know anyone who saw it. Except me. It was good. Highly recommended for a rental when you don't want to watch another sci-fi/action/adventure flick, and your girlfriend isn't making you watch the latest Meg Ryan crap.
no chick should ever force thier man to watch a meg ryan film.
What about Innerspace?
that's more of a martin short masterpiece.
She looks like the Joker now.
My high school french teacher forced our class to watch French Kiss dubbed in french.

THAT was torture.
when harry met sally is actually a pretty good movie.
What's the one where she dies???
Oh yeah City of Angels, maybe she and Nick Cage can take a hint.
damn you, you ruined it. now i'll never see it.
I saved you two hours, you should be thanking me
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