Full Version: Board Awards 2004 - Most Improved Poster Of 2003
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I nulled since I don't know any of those people other than The Sleeper.
I am somewhat offended at the insinuation that I wasn't always as amazing a poster as I currently am.
i voted for myself :3:
ahh, remember back in the day when everyone hated the jays.

he was such a penis.
The Sleeper Wrote:I am somewhat offended at the insinuation that I wasn't always as amazing a poster as I currently am.
That's why you haven't gotten any votes.

The rest of us agree with you.

Edited By IrishAlkey on 1073178875
I thought as great as sleeper was in the past, he really broke out in 2003.

2003 was the year of the sleeper.
2003 is when I became a beliver.

Before i was just a fan, now I am a follower.
fair enough, apology accepted
You should lock this up before feelings get too hurt.
this is just pathetic.
This poll is gonna' stay open for a whole week?
we might not need a day, let alone a week.
14 people have voted, at least two have we even have 10 more active members to possibly beat jays?
I hope you get votes.
on second thought, this really is a whitewash, what say we lock it up right now!
I have officially begun my "vote for Sleeper" campaign!

Let the comeback commence!
where's the jays. i want a gay acceptance speech.
Sleeper's acceptance speech will be gayer than Jays'!

Vote Sleeper!
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