Full Version: Board Awards 2004 - Most Improved Poster Of 2003
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Hi guys. I'm The Jays.
carol thread was fun...
i hold the coveted title of "FIRST REPLY IN THE CAROL THREAD!"
I like you QuickStop. You're more fun to argue with than Keyser.
man, i sure was lucky that no one liked you back then, or else i wouldve never won that sig pic contest
I love most everyone here. Ya'll are great.
what a suck up
I think this first award can be wrapped up, though the poll will remain open. The winner, in a blow-out: The Jays.
Your Spiderman dvd is the mail.
alkey is so generous.
I'll split your lip if you reneg on this, you tubby bastard!
Gonzo asked me to get your home addy!
Why, so you can show up to my home and give me a picture of Gonzo enjoying my dvd, while you laugh in my face, and I rip your ear off???????? No thank you.
damn, that would've been sweet!!
You already have two huge ears.

You don't need a third.
I can't hold my own ears, bloody and detached from my head, in my own hands and yell "HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW, FUCKER!!!" into them.
Then maybe you haven't improved as much as we thought.
I've improved by leaps and bounds.

I've written posts that aren't meant to be enjoyed until the year 2013.
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