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Pages: 1 2 3
important constituent of igneous rocks

_ E L _ S_ _ _

Spray with boquet

_ I _ F _ E S _ E R

Author who covered the Spanish-American WAr for New York Newspapers

S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"That'll be the day"

I _ _ _ G _ F _ _

more to come if you people aren't morons.
ok these might be easier

Sounds of understanding

_ _ S


_ _ _ E

Hair Holder, sometimes

_ _ _ _ E T

Kind of candidate

D O _ _ _ _ _ _

important constituent of igneous rocks
thanks! how the fuck did you know that?
Black Lazerus Wrote:important constituent of igneous rocks
I swear that's the only one I knew. I have no idea why but i knew it.
the spray with boquet one is killing me
I don't even know what a boquet is. Galt probably knows. He's gay.
I have a feeling arpi will know it.
The Sleeper Wrote:thanks! how the fuck did you know that?
I paid attention in science class. Not English class.
ones with homes away from home

_ _ _ L E S
Quote:Author who covered the Spanish-American WAr for New York Newspapers

where does the space fall in this one?
Quote:Author who covered the Spanish-American WAr for New York Newspapers

S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Sleeper Wrote:ones with homes away from home

_ _ _ L E S
EAGLES? see if it fits
note: The S isn't definite.
It would fit, but then it creates this which I don't know about

Car bars

A A _ _ _
The Sleeper Wrote:note: The S isn't definite.
Confusedhakes fist:
The Sleeper Wrote:aamco?
nevermind, this is wrong, so i guess Eagles is too.
Pages: 1 2 3