Full Version: Since I love arpi so much...
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Yes, I was star-child.

beat me, rape me, mock me, kill me, belittle me, pee on me, do what you will.

But don't diss on the book, it was awesome.
i feel so much better about all of this now. i love you too. good to have you back.
Admit the one mistake in your flawed attempt!!
Arpikarhu Wrote:i feel so much better about all of this now. i love you too. good to have you back.
now apologize for bland
not until you apologize for your last betrayal
I was nerdo5
I was dana dillon
Satr-Child knew my AIM name!!!!! That was the evidence!!!!
I was the grassy knoll on the second gunman.
i've never been anyone but myself
Arpikarhu Wrote:not until you apologize for your last betrayal
I knew!
I knew also we were just talking about the book.
Quote:I knew!

as did I, and I had proof!!!
i was pimp_hand and cranky ass
i am the eggman
I was horny.
Arpi is it true that you collect Pez, and if so why do you collect it?
I'm more interested in the leather pants, the sombrero and how he got into theater.
Regular leather pants are ok in my book. Tight leather pants are not a good look on a man.
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