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just came out green, what the fuck is that!!!
Sometimes my urine's stench is so rancid i can't believe it. Those are probably the times when i should have gotten a penicilin shot.
My urine has been clear for the most part since I started the diet, I drink nothing but water.

It's like artificial turf green...
take a picture
I don't have a camera.
It's the grapes.
you're just early for St. Patty's Day, I wouldn't worry.
I had a bad experience with green beer in Virginia one time.
wouldn't it be awesome if there was some pill that you took that made your urine all kinds of flourescent colors like blue and hot pink? i think i'm onto something!!!
Get a receipt for that idea.
I thought Alkey said Virgina. But alas, no.
i would buy that pill.
maybe would could crush it into a powder and you could snort it
imagine peeing hot pink urine. wow!
I would only do it if it glowed in the dark. Then I could pee with no lights on, and it would be the coolest thing ever.
Galt Wrote:maybe would could crush it into a powder and you could snort it
good line, gooch.
quit stealing my bits, YellowDiscipline.
no, i meant it. that line was pure gooch.
I had neither a picture, or a conspiracy theory in the post, so I don't see how you could confuse it for anything Gooch would post.
actually, it was very goochish
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