Full Version: A spinoff to "run DIG off the board"
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You guys should roll up a Wall Street journal and whip one another with it.
and ruin THE journal?!?!!?

are you insane? that's what they print newsday for.
it would be tough to whip him with my WSJ since I read it online.
Galt Wrote:it would be tough to whip him with my WSJ since I read it online.
that surprises me since they dont have a funnies page.
A Chappelle theme would might bring in "unwanted elements" to the board. We have our minimum quota already, don't we?
i was thinking of making mredgy a chapelle fan site
i guess i can go with plan A-2, a norm macdonald fan site
if it goes public, you should give some current members some sort of mod buttons so we can mess with n00bs. think of the hilarity
But even white people love dave chappelle!!

Dave Chappelle isn't black or white, he's funny. He's like Jimi Hendrix, in a time of racism no one noticed hendrix was a smoke, he was a god.

We'll explode with membership!!
Yakov Smirnoff Fan Site!@
Let's stick to people who still have careers and aren't dead.
I think a board based on comedy in the same vein as Something Awful is the way to go. The thing is, Something Awful does not have a theme, per se, but is still very active. I don't think having a theme is the thing but to open membership to the public and have everyone do their part to promote the site.

Oh, and Long on TFS 4.75 Target Price of 5.65 Stop loss of 4.10
Quote:i think the theme idea is a bad one cause we are only gonna get people who want to talk about the theme. none of us are gonna want to do that so its just gonna be am influx of new people that we run off. fun for a little while but then boring. no theme, open membership.
Penny stocks. Bah. Boiler Room this place is not.
i've done quite well on penny stocks. LU, LPTH, and MEM to name a few.
Galt's about a dollar, what the fuck's a 50 cent?
can you still leave some forums private, like maybe the pit or something, and you have to join to read those?
See, hedcold is thinking!!

That's a good idea buddy.

we leave say two or three forums open to the public, give them a taste.

To read the others or to post, they must join.

That is genius, good work buddy. We leave the "theme" forum open and a couple others.
yes! and we could have a velvet rope around it. DIG could be the bouncer and sleeper would be the little twerpy guy who holds the clipboard with the list of people who are allowed in.
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