Full Version: A spinoff to "run DIG off the board"
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:Confusedlaps forehead emoticon::
ok ok, I don't want you havin a seizure.

The hot rock.
Whew! thank you. i was cramping.
I felt it since we are lovers again, I couldn't watch you hurt.
its a great movie
I agree wth what Gonzo and Keyser said. This board is basically e/n, similiar to SomethingAwful.

Also, with the idea of making some forums visible, others private, why not set it up where they have to register to post in all forums, but they need to pay for access to all forums?
Nobody will pay for this abuse.

Are you insane?
I find it interesting that certain people want to find the one theme that will attract the most people to abuse.
I can't wait to link the new and improved site to YMB!
The Jays Wrote:I find it interesting that certain people want to find the one theme that will attract the most people to abuse.
what else is everyone here for?
Friendships that will last a lifetime?
IrishAlkey Wrote:I can't wait to link the new and improved site to YMB!
if he is allowed to do this , i quit. and for real this time. seriously.
I was told to promote!

I shall.
not in that nest of morons
They will gather and dance around you like little gnomes.
Arpikarhu Wrote:
IrishAlkey Wrote:I can't wait to link the new and improved site to YMB!
if he is allowed to do this , i quit. and for real this time. seriously.
You bitch so much everyday I wonder if you really have a pussy. That would explain why suzie was interested besides the fact that she’s a whore.
STFU and go along you fucking ingrate.
Now you done gone and made the negro angry!
drusilla Wrote:
The Jays Wrote:I find it interesting that certain people want to find the one theme that will attract the most people to abuse.
what else is everyone here for?
I want to be able to discuss topics with other people, and have fun doing so. Sure, its all fun and dandy to abuse stupid newbies, but if that's whats keeping you coming back for more, how did you last on CDIH this long? We're all two year board veterans at the very least.
Quote:3 guests, 9 Public Members

they are flocking in already!!
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