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i actually used the word chattel last week. it is a good word
Oh, I'm good at hangman. I chose "o"
Help me, Galt.
you are so barking up the wrong tree
I told you she knew tons of cool words.
CDIH's version of Toronto Hottie

Splatterpunk what would you call a black person living in canada?
Alkey, take this thing off me!
Answer the question.
I hope she was pointing to her bra when she said that.
Sorry, Laz, I just saw your question. I'd call him/her a Canadian.

Alkey. Please.
My hands are tied.
Why Laz?

Thanks for nothing Alkey. Confusedneak:
Is your real name Dana? If so, how'd that pregnancy work out for ya?
Yeah, my name is Dana. When the fetus was viable, I sold it.
Splatterpunk Wrote:Why Laz?

Thanks for nothing Alkey. Confusedneak:
I was testing to see if you were hotti-like
I don't know this person and I don't want her associated with me.
Too late.
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