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You want us to send Hottie over to replace this girl or what?
but lets be honest here, im fucking sexy.
For a just used frying pan, yes.
You only liked it cause she gave you a special shout out at the end.

I would've preferred that I get bashed! That was the greatest part. Arpi should take notes.
NJ9 Wrote:Sooooooooooooooooo

You want us to send Hottie over to replace this girl or what?
Oh Come on!

I'm sure you'd all hit it off.....
You stay instead, I could never think of depriving YMB of TH.
I was going to stay anyway Arpi gave me the :thumbs-up:
Yeah but you can sit in the comfy seats with me.
You are my comfy seat.

Can i hold your hand?
you can sit on my lap even as I work my magic with these gifted fingers.
If you come to the bowling shindig I will autograph your boobs.
Then you can autograph his!
Tomorrow i am going to buy a compass and start my journey onward to Linden.

See you all in March!!
NJ9 Wrote:Tomorrow i am going to buy a compass and start my journey onward to Linden.

See you all in March!!
Yeah... that didn't sound overly enthusiastic.

It actually had a hint of sarcasm in it.
I'm actually making an effort to get to this thing.

Why must you taunt me so?

I apologize Sad
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