Full Version: CDIH Music Exchange 3
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I wanted to give people time to get in on it, then I forgot. It did occur to me on my home from work this week that I left this hanging, but alas...

Thanks for toppping it.
People who have said they are in thus far...

The Jays
The Sleeper
Black Laz
well, this has been very well thought out and executed. kudos to danked!
No one else wants in?

I'm getting flashbacks to organizing the basketball game
it was to early!
how could you have a \o/ game without me
they were scared of playing with black people
Let's go camping instead
yeah like iam going to go camping with a bunch of crackers in the woods with no weapons.
diceisgod Wrote:Let's go camping instead
I'd be down for this.
I'm gonna sit this one out cause I've got finals comin up and then I'm goin home and I'm leavin my comp down here...
looks like we are all sitting this one out cause danked cant get his shit together
If I drop out will that expedite the process?
If you really want in, you're in, DIG.

I guess this is it then for people who want to play this time. I'll figure out the exchange list today.
OH YEAH!!! WELL...ok
The exchange list is as follows. Each person is responsible for contacting both of their recipients and requesting their addresses.

Sender Recipients
Danked - DIG & Arpikarhu
The Jays - The Sleeper & Black Laz
The Sleeper - DIG & Black Laz
Arpikarhu - The Sleeper & The Jays
DIG - Danked & The Jays
Black Laz - Danked & Arpikarhu
great, i get rap and 2 hours of the strawberry alarm clock :-(
I know a certain somebody who's getting the dance version of Love Bites
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