Full Version: CDIH Music Exchange 3
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my 2 people are getting my 2 cd special of 80's new wave hits
I want a copy of sleepers latest creation. What do you want in return Sleepy?
Sleeper's mixes are pretty good, but I had him last time. :-(
I can just send your cd to keyser
arpi's a regifter
is it too late to sign up?

& i only got one from sleeper last time. & none from those who were supposed to send me one.

Edited By drusilla on 1083110183
Yes, but we can always do side trades.

i'm up for that
You're on.
I'm gonna enjoy getting something mailed to me addressed to The Jays
You might have to be a bit more specific.
Your cd is almost done. I'll need your info soon so I can send it and then track and rape you. They don't have a listing for Mr. Wonderful.
Where's my CD' s, deadbeats?
I still owe hybrid a cd from 2 years ago, i'll wait till he posts again and asks me.
I don't have a cd burner. Deal with it jerkface
HALF-jew? Bullshit.
I swear I'm gonna do it.

I'm halfway there. I own cds.
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