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dennis miller uses language most college graduates would understand. if thats considered too high brow, well thats just a commentary on how low our standards are as a culture.
I dun get dem dere big words. Why cant he spek normal like da rest of us.
Quote:But ofcourse you know so much about me, cause i'm a one trick pony who gabs off nigger jokes all day
this is the only part you got right. as to my use of "big" words, it is not my fault that you are so poorly educated that you find my word usage to be some sort of attempt to prove my worth over you. i dont need such props to prove that, it is obvious by itself. i am sorry that i use words other than those found on rap albums and therefore make myself poorly understood by those such as you. this is the way i write and speak.

we are still on for snuggles, right?
Keyser Soze Wrote:dennis miller uses language most college graduates would understand. if thats considered too high brow, well thats just a commentary on how low our standards are as a culture.
It's not so much his language as it is his literary references. And, as much as I like him, at the end of the day you really have to cater your presentation to your audience.
his audience should understand him, why would they be watching otherwise.

according to your supposition we should just dumb everything down to a third grade level just in case someone doesnt get it.
i am not surprised that you feel that way.
Miller is self-important, and and Arpi likes him.
I said for the same reason miller forms his language, I never said I don't understand it but if thats what you took from it I can't help it. My point was when arpi feels the need to banter off on how much better he is than someone he needs to form it in a fashion of a miller type monolouge, I myself have said that standards and dumbing down of society is awful in this country.

I never claimed it was words a person of any bare intellect level wouldn't understand. I meant that he varies from his normal usage and posting style to try and validate the fact he believes he is better than someone else. Which is his one trick pony schtick.

PS: Cancel the cuddling, I got a cold.
Scrumpruclcious, your role was divine and scrumprulicious.
Quote:Which is his one trick pony schtick.

someone rang???
Did I use some clubbish lingo.
only after you bleach the chicken
Quote:according to your supposition we should just dumb everything down to a third grade level just in case someone doesnt get it.
i am not surprised that you feel that way.
You are such a pompous ass.
pompous... thats the things cheerleaders use, right?
I thought it was one of those slow, green things that live in a shell.
look at that S car go.
Kid Afrika Wrote:
Quote:according to your supposition we should just dumb everything down to a third grade level just in case someone doesnt get it.
i am not surprised that you feel that way.
You are such a pompous ass.
that is rich coming from the king of pompous asses
Kid and Arpi should that their pompous' and have a rumble cheerleader style like in "Bring it On"
<< singing:

"I'm sexy. I'm cute.

I'm popular to boot."
sexy yes, cute yes, popular.. eh.
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