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I used to love going to Sleaze-side in the winter, when I lived in Lakewood. They make some BIG-ASS slices down there.

During the summer, that place sucks. Too many wannabe thugz.
Thug whiteyz in jacked up CRX'es. I hope that doesnt offend anyone.
YES!!! sawmill super jumbo monster slices rock
Quote:Thug whiteyz in jacked up CRX'es. I hope that doesnt offend anyone.
Rolleyes <!--emo&Big Grinisappointed:isappointed:'><!--endemo-->-->[Image: shakehead.gif][Image: biggrin.gif]<!--endemo-->isappointed:'><!--endemo--> Rolleyes <!--emo&Big Grinisappointed:isappointed:'><!--endemo-->-->[Image: shakehead.gif][Image: biggrin.gif]<!--endemo-->isappointed:'><!--endemo--> Rolleyes <!--emo&Big Grinisappointed:isappointed:'><!--endemo-->-->[Image: shakehead.gif][Image: biggrin.gif]<!--endemo-->isappointed:'><!--endemo--> Rolleyes <!--emo&Big Grinisappointed:isappointed:'><!--endemo-->-->[Image: shakehead.gif][Image: biggrin.gif]<!--endemo-->isappointed:'><!--endemo--> Rolleyes <!--emo&Big Grinisappointed:isappointed:'><!--endemo-->-->[Image: shakehead.gif][Image: biggrin.gif]<!--endemo-->isappointed:'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&Big Grinead:ead:'><!--endemo-->-->[Image: grngrinbig.gif][Image: biggrin.gif]<!--endemo-->ead:'><!--endemo-->

edit, there's something very wrong with the emoticons, but i don't know how to fix it Sad

Edited By crx girl on Mar. 29 2002 at 9:52
You'd probably better stop trying... It's only getting worse
"It's not a pie"

I keep forgetting to post this. One time when I was a much younger barch. I was on vacation in Florida. I called to get a pizza delivered and, it went a little sumptin like this:

Stupid effin redneck: "Hello, thanks for callin' "----". What can I get ya'll?"

adolecent barch: "I'd like to get a lage plane pie delivered to "----"

Stupid effin redneck: "a what?"

adolecent barch: "a lage plane pie."

Stupid effin redneck: "We got no pie. What da ya think this is? a bakery?"

adolecent barch: "Thank You and, do have the number for a good chinese delivery joint?"
PLAIN pie, nimrod

and it's funnier the way Brian Regan tells it.

Edited By Ken'sPen on Mar. 30 2002 at 09:30
Oh.... That's probably what confused him then....

And, brian reagan wasn't with me. How does he know what happened?

Edited By barch97 on Mar. 30 2002 at 09:32
i had pizza yesterday. plain pie with garlic powder on it. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
You would go and spell it his way...
plain=well, plain. nothing on it.
You gotta hit Louies and Ernies on crosby and waterbury In the bronx for some good pizza. Nice and thin, great cheese, and enough oil to cause an artery to shut down before you finish.
Best topping- open the garlic powder shaker and dump the whole thing on your slice. Cant beat It.
i agree. nothing is better than garlic on a pizza.

Edited By HyBriD on Mar. 30 2002 at 09:54
<!--QuoteBegin--HyBriD+Mar. 30 2002,09:49--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HyBriD @ Mar. 30 2002,09:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->turdburgler[/quote]
Hey mr spellcheck....

it's <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>BURGLAR</span>

*Edit: Seph, what the hell is up with the quote thing?

Edited By barch97 on Mar. 30 2002 at 09:54
you are such a picky bitch.

Big Grin
Barch is not picky,
did you see some of the pigs that "wins"?
Alright, that's enough... back on topic damn you
theres a place called Strawberrys near me, its got great NY style pizza. white pizza, with rigotta and onions. also, bacon and cheddar is great too.
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