Full Version: Pizza, pizza - It's not a pie
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There is this truck that sells pizza on Wall Street...its from a restaurant called Valducci's....the pizza is soooo good. It's brick oven pizza with very little cheese and lots of good sauce. YUMMY.
Sluggo Wrote:Hot peppers on almost anything!
On you baby.

Cold pizza, I love it cold. Just like my sex.
The worst pizza I ever had was out in Montauk. A place called Pier Pizza. They would make large amounts of pies at the start of the week and put them in the freezer. THen when people ordered them they would defrost and reheat them then. They were all freezer burned and bland, but the drunken Irish foreign workers didn't care because they were open until 5 in the morning.

I once ordered an Eggplant Parmesan from them and all they did was put Parmesan cheese on and a little sauce. It was like the Kraft stuff that comes in the cardboard tube. It was the worst thing I tasted that summer (Next to this British Front desk chick who I think never heard of douche.)
ooh, i forgot about this freaky deaky european pizza chain. they had pretty much everything you could imagine for toppings, i tried one that had a bunch of stuff on it, and an egg right in the middle of it. i thought, eek, egg on pizza? but it was actually not bad, i can't remember the name of the place though, they're all over europe...
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