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Im currently not broadcasting
i am having issues with mine
Sounds like a radio broadcast of wizard of oz...oh wait, there's some music. I wish Dorothy was back on.
what a cheesy song.

Play some fucking Ram Jam!
what is it, clips of Trotsky speaking?

did I do it right or not?
i can't connect, but i can see your shoutcast page, so i dunno. it might just be me
yeah, it worked. But the music was some of that angry at the system music and so I turned it off and listened to Lee Greenwood.
Quote:But the music was some of that angry at the system music

Not sure what that means, most bands I listen to don't have any political affiliation. At least I know I'm broadcasting...I'll try to slip in some Toby Keith for you, Galt.
If we get a bunch of people to do broadcasts, we can have CDIH radio happening; each person sends their address to the main stream , and we all connect from that
I'd definitely tune-in to Sir O's tracks - the RUSH alone would be glorious (and I bet I wouldn't hear Stranger In My House).
I'm listening to a different Rush at the moment
Rush, Rush by Paula Abdul I bet.
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He sounds better than that annoying, big nosed, lead singer of that hoser band

If all DJs put CDIH somewhere in their station title, they will come up on the link Jays posted.
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