Full Version: Oh no!!!!!!
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Pages: 1 2
Magic Johnson just announced he has HIV and is retiring from basketball. I'm at a loss... :-(
Wrong Decade.
John Lennon was just shot!!!!!!!
He's dead :29:
The beatles will never get back together now!!!!!!!
the beatles could get back together... all it would take is 2 bullets
The mayor of Boston just died in a car accident.
I thought he got fired for having anal sex in a church.
i am missing the point to this thread Undecided
well then, how far back do they have to go to reach your youth?
Holy Shit, somebody shot President Kennedy!!!!
I heard those apples are tastey
Gooch Wrote:well then, how far back do they have to go to reach your youth?
Today in an act of kindness, Sir Jeffery Amherst spent the day handing out blankets to indians.
Jesus Christ was just crucified.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Gooch Wrote:well then, how far back do they have to go to reach your youth?
Today in an act of kindness, Sir Jeffery Amherst spent the day handing out blankets to indians.
Frozen smallpox surrrrrrrrrrrrrre is tasty. YUM!
Gonzostyle just hit another home run! It looks like he'll be all-state this year.
The Sleeper Wrote:Gonzostyle just hit another home run! It looks like he'll be all-state this year.
you're cold blooded.
Somebody funny hacked Velociti's account.
I just posted a WOW picture... :19:
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