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*snort slurp*
need a tissue?
Mad Wrote:Buy a DVD player you cheap fuck.
the APEX DVD players are dirt cheap and have most of the bells and whistles that pricier ones have
why waste time and money burning dvds when with a cheap mod i can stream them right to my tv set?
What I don't understand is why someone would spend $3000+/- on a watch for some chick their dating and then be cheap about buying a DVD player?
i have a dvd player. it has nothing to do with price, its more about convienience. its also about how great the media player interface is on my tv. i can scan through old digital photos, listen to my mp3 collection over my surround sound, and watch downloaded movies and clips from my couch. its much more than a dvd player. its like a media jukebox for my television set.
That makes more sense.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i have a dvd player. it has nothing to do with price, its more about convienience. its also about how great the media player interface is on my tv. i can scan through old digital photos, listen to my mp3 collection over my surround sound, and watch downloaded movies and clips from my couch. its much more than a dvd player. its like a media jukebox for my television set.
true....i agree with you there
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