Full Version: Fun with Underage Drinking
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Sure you weren't, not only do I think you were there. I think you are Dan, pussy.
i really can't tell if you are serious or not
So you admit it was you.
no it was not and i do not run around cock smacking people. i was at the 311 concert at jones beach.....i think you can stop reaching now.
wow, i better not touch any alcohol. i might go around cocksmacking everyone the first time i take a sip.

good thing i saw this post. you have saved me.
so you admit to getting drunk and naked and humping inanimate objects then?
That is still gay even if you do it at a concert.
i was not drinking at all at the concert nor have i have cocksmacked anything
ummm yea... im pretty sure quickstop was at the concert... his friends were at home drinking... including the gay one... and altho it would have been a funny thing to see... he is still happier that he was at the concert.....
thank you
btw i love both 311 and the roots... im jealous
i had never really heard the roots before, but i had heard good things. they were really good. great band
never heard of them? really? :19:
not never heard of them...never heard them
yeah, it was a good show, it's not bad music at all. and i think it's ok as long as i'm still younger than the performers. and there's no alcohol served at jones beach anyway. not that it would matter i don't think there were many people over 21 there.
a lot of weed though. i think i was the only person around me that wasnt high
if you were the only 5 people over 21 in the place then it can't be good music, sorry.
the roots have a fairly older audience tho...
there were 8 of us. and yes, many joints. and we got alcohol in anyway, apparently i have some resourceful friends
The roots are ok Quest love is the man though
crx girl Wrote:and there's no alcohol served at jones beach anyway. not that it would matter i don't think there were many people over 21 there.
since when?

and more importantly, do they still sell cascarino's pizzas?
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