Full Version: Fun with Underage Drinking
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wow, QS's friends are pretty gay.
no, just the one. the others were pretty against getting cocksmacked, but again, they didnt have much say in the matter
still gay
listen any dude that allows himself to be cock-smacked without beating the other party to a bloody pulp, is a fucking fag.
Black Lazerus Wrote:listen any dude that allows himself to be cock-smacked without beating the other party to a bloody pulp, is a fucking fag.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ he speaks the truF !
i love cock
drusilla Wrote:
crx girl Wrote:and there's no alcohol served at jones beach anyway. not that it would matter i don't think there were many people over 21 there.
since when?

and more importantly, do they still sell cascarino's pizzas?
i don't know since when because i've never been there before. the only pizza i saw i think was freschetta.
Chris52 Wrote:i was the one who got cocksmacked, and i didnt fight back cause i actually was surprised how much i liked the feeling of a mans cock on my face. fuck you if you dont understand!
So quickstop when is the ceremony, Arpi can marry you.
He has one of those mail in Reverend deals.
its true. i am a minister for the universal life church. legal to perform weddings and sign marriage certificates in al 50 states. i will give a very nice cermony for the fag and his cock smacking buddy.
What a bunch of cocksmokers.
That and some mrs. buttersworth and quickstop will make some man very happy one day.
I wonder how many Subway sammiches he cocksmacked before serving.
thankfully none of the ones I ordered.
that you know of.....
the less I know, the better - in this instance, anyway.
remember he barely has pubes you wouldn't have had any evidence.
chris handles the meat, quickstop handles the topping
They both handle the buns!
chris always gets mad when quickstop squirts the nozzle a little to hard and gets it all over the buns.
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