Full Version: I've gotten Banned From YMB - and i don't know why
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they must HATE good posting
Sucks to be....hey wait a minute!
God hath smoten him.

I win!
You got banned for logging off. I got banned for absolutely no reason. I win.
I'm not banned. Do you want me to post your "goodbye" message?

That was always the cool thing to do back in the day.
Goodbye Cruel World
diceisgod Wrote:Goodbye Cruel World
you sure you don't want something cooler?
You have carte blanche. Send me out in a blaze of glory. You know a lot more bigger words than me.
Quote:"Now there's a school that self-destructed, not because society didn't care, but because the school was society."
You can try getting banned from here

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Hottie and Gooches new love nest.
I'm so on the outside of all this internet fun
the very people pat put in charge at YMB turned around and stabbed him in the back.
spell it out. What happened.

All the people he put in charge (meaning 460, FOM, TH, and Brain -- I have no opinion or even knowledge of who else was a mod) were retards. I have no idea what he was thinking. They were just babies, and had no humor at all.
If DIG isn't OpiesDeadDad, I'll unban him.

I'm just not in the mood for jokes right now. I'm disgusted and disappointed.
DIG hasn't mastered the art of setting up an alias, apparently.

Pat could best explain but from the best of my knowledge, several mods went off with Hottie and Gooch and started a new board, at first with intentions not to my knowledge but it of course turned into a bitchfest about Alkey and Silera and YMB and got personal and the whole time was kept a secret, which is now not a secret.

I think thats scratching the surface.
Pretty much.
Who can I blame for the fact that 75% of the time I try and read YMB, the board dies on me?

I've sent him multiple IMs regarding changing servers and he never responds to me.

they removed the thread you quoted, what a surprise.

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1093380007
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