Full Version: I've gotten Banned From YMB - and i don't know why
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yes I guess it must be nice to post on a board where your every word isn't picked through and edited
Velociti is such an angry young man, he must be a linkin park fan.
nah I just can't stand them coming over here because of their own nazi mod regime

Edited By Velociti on 1093459329
Personally, I like "them".

Hey, Jesus wasn't a Nazi.
were posts deleted?

were threads deleted?

were people deleted?

Nazi is a strong term.
IAMALKEY is in denial
I fully deserved my banning.
I bet others did too, but that doesnt mean they need to delete them + the thread + evidence that they even existed

Edited By Velociti on 1093460691
People were never deleted.

Threads were never deleted.

I edited posts that mocked Opie's father fucking dying on... get ready for this one... an Opie and Anthony fan site! HOW FUCKING DARE I!

The thread deleting and people deleting is on the new board.

YMB does not delete accounts.
Atleast velociti found a new person to hate besides arpi.
Velociti Wrote:I bet others did too, but that doesnt mean they need to delete them + the thread + evidence that they even existed
I swear to the Lord Almighty, you are fucking dense as cold steel.
I don't hate alkey, just censorship

Edited By Velociti on 1093460864
I want to know how many have died because of YMB's quest for world domination!!!!!!!!!!
Don't make me put on the superhero leotard.

I will and it'll get ugly.

I mean, I will get ugly.

I mean I'm ugly and I'm glad you don't hate me for it.
I only hate you in the mod forum where you can't see.
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