Full Version: Say you find a dead body in the woods...
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you're walking along, enjoying nature for what it is, and you find a dead body in the middle of nowhere?

I'd have to poke it with a stick. In the ribs, then once in the eye. Just to make sure it was dead.
I might kick a rock at it once or twice, then leave and call the cops when i got home.
I'd check it's wallet for any available cash.
Would she still be warm?
But then your prints would be on the body.

You would become suspect.
I didn't even consider the wallet aspect.

If they find your prints on it, you were checking for ID!
Hawt Baux Wrote:But then your prints would be on the body.

You would become suspect.
you could always say you took it so that you could tell the police that you found " john smith" dead in the woods. and btw if you find a dead person anywhere you are going to be a suspect.

Do you also take any jewelery/accessories?
No jewelery.

But I do need new sneakers.
You can sell it to buy new sneakers!
if the watch is nice, I'd take it - you can always use a nice watch.
Hawt Baux Wrote:Touche.

Do you also take any jewelery/accessories?
not if you plan to tell the police about the body, if not take it all but wear gloves
Were you smoking and watching Stand By Me ???
You have to watch all the footprints too. Those CSI guys love that shit.
danked would invite friends and they would make a body bong.
Oh man! I picked up a stick at the crime scene!
Hollow out the Skull, use the ear to toke off of. Good times had by all.
This is bcoming too complicated for it's worth.

Just take the money, maybe rip off a necklace and skidaddle.
Do you skull fuck it before or after?
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