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And your argument is based on nothing more then emotion and faulty logic.

At least my side of the equation has the truth as it really is, not as I'd like it to be.

Shall not be infringed!

Is that really so difficult for you to comprehend?
Do you really think a musket qualifies as an assault rifle?

I'm pretty sure there were no rapid fire weapons when that document was written.

I'm not surprised that you've failed to give one rational reason that one needs to own such a weapon.
Quote:The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting, and historical documents specifically show that the Founding Fathers fully intended for the citizens of this nation to be at least as well armed as the government agents to whom the people grant their authority.


An excellent article on the subject at hand.

Edited By Mad on 1094781012
GonzoStyle Wrote:Niggers dont rob banks, they rob liquor stores, pawn shops, and at best a check cashing place but thats like high collar crimes for them.
don't forget loot
Mad Wrote:And your argument is based on nothing more then emotion and faulty logic.

At least my side of the equation has the truth as it really is, not as I'd like it to be.

Shall not be infringed!

Is that really so difficult for you to comprehend?
actually , logic is way on my side in this matter
drusilla Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:Niggers dont rob banks, they rob liquor stores, pawn shops, and at best a check cashing place but thats like high collar crimes for them.
don't forget loot
dumb ass scary greeks
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Mad Wrote:And your argument is based on nothing more then emotion and faulty logic.

At least my side of the equation has the truth as it really is, not as I'd like it to be.

Shall not be infringed!

Is that really so difficult for you to comprehend?
actually , logic is way on my side in this matter
Do I accuse you of lying now or later?

Some factual evidence would help. Maybe a link to some statistics or something other then your enlightened thoughts.
isn't this basically a non-issue?
A gun would get me in more trouble then it would ever get me out of.
diceisgod Wrote:A gun would get me in more trouble then it would ever get me out of.
Holy Shit!!! I agree with DIG. This is truly a day in history.

I've always said that owning a gun means that eventually you will use it. There is no constructive way of using an assault weapon.

Assault weapons are meant to do just that, ASSAULT.

You can surely fend off any foe with a 12 gauge, why do you need anything more?

Protecting your family is one thing. Taking out 50 people in 3 minutes is something completely different.

You can quote all the websites and documents you want. Any argument can be rationalized. That doesn't meant it's right.

Until a scenario where the use of an assault weapon is required and not beyond the bounds of the law, your point is moot.

This is what's lacking in the argument... we ask why you need it and you say, "because the constitution guarantees me the right".

Don't you realize that the constitution had built-in support for ammendments to allow for changes in society?

If you love the consitution so much, why don't you disavow anything else that has arisen out of societal change? Get off your computer. Turn off all the lights in your house. Disconnect your phone. Go back to living in the 1700s.

Times have changed and so has the country in which we live. It's long past the time where we let go of the constitution as a crutch and infuse a little logic and reason in our government.
Black Lazerus Wrote:
drusilla Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:Niggers dont rob banks, they rob liquor stores, pawn shops, and at best a check cashing place but thats like high collar crimes for them.
don't forget loot
dumb ass scary greeks
he was thinking about it until he heard the gunshots.
so, to keep things fair, walmart should start stocking hand grenades too.
Mad can kill you with a rubber band and a spork.
That being said, I will eventually get one.
IrishAlkey Wrote:Mad can kill you with a rubber band and a spork.
Yes, I could.

And Kid is such a bitch. If you recall the LA riots, the Korean store owners had AR-15's and 30 round magazines to fend off looters.

Why is that?

The Second Amendment is not about hunting, it's is about having a level playing field with the "government". It is the only thing that keeps them from turning this country into a Police State.

So you can whine and bitch like the cunt you are, but know this a Freeman owns weapons and slaves don't.

Which one are you?
So, because every 40 or so years there's a riot, you think you need an assault weapon? And the koreans couldn't have defended themselves with shotguns or handguns?

You are just another of the stupid sheeple that think that government is out to get you and that you could actually do a better job of running the country.

No militia will ever overthrow the US government. Never.

BTW, you've not given a real reason why one needs to own such a weapon.
because the soldiers who volunteer to join the army would just listen to whatever the government says, even if it means destroying their own country that they volunteered to fight for?
I have to give no reason to exercise my God given rights. You on the other hand, seem to believe otherwise. So I'll just call you slave from now on. OK, boy?
i guess the mexicans who joined the army to get american citizenship might listen if they're told to attack ny or something
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