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IrishAlkey Wrote:I am your brother and I love you.

That's why...
dont fall for it, gonzo!! he just wants to corner you so he can tease you mercilessly about the giggling and sweating!!!!
uh oh! crack was reading this thread and didnt post anything. he is probably on his way over to butcher me!

it was just a joke! i didnt mean it!! i swear!!!!!!!
i got rid of it!!!! it's gone!! i promise to never do it again! please! put the knife down!
say something!!! SAY SOMETHING!!!
When is the Win a date with Drusilla contest?
HedCold Wrote:because joobies will come with me
assuming you can get a car...
crx girl Wrote:i have a vagina

and hedcold won't be there
we have a new leader!!!!
Arpikarhu Wrote:i got rid of it!!!! it's gone!! i promise to never do it again! please! put the knife down!
can you pm me what you said? i won't tell i promise.

and yay
I'll drop Tony Batista.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
crx girl Wrote:i have a vagina

and hedcold won't be there
we have a new leader!!!!
there is no way her vagina is better than frozen devil dogs
I would like to spend a night with Eddie Gonzo because the last time he refused to drink with me and it made me sad. He tried to hug me but I refused his advances and now it makes me feel much regret. I feel I missed out on a chance to bond with e-pal, but failed to capitalize. I would show him how much he means to me and how much joy he brings to my life. I would buy him all the food and drink he could handle. I would take him to the top of the Empire State Building and show him the view, and then we would go to the arcade and play fun games where I would let him win. Then I would get front row seats to whatever local sports team he wanted to see. Then I would get him two hot Russian whores who eat his asshole and spit his feces onto each other’s mouths. Before we ended the night, I’d ask him to give me a piggy back ride. I hope he would oblige because I miss piggy back rides. It reminds me of being a free spirited child. Nevertheless, our time together would be filled with laughs, intellectual discussions, food, drinks, and hot chicks.
way too much activity for gonzo. he would have a heart attack halfway through.
he would die a happy man.
I should win a date with you so that you would actually pick me up, fuckface
you sweet talker you
I think I should win the evening with Gonzo because I see this thread for what it really is. A cry for help. He is lonely at home craving the attention from people he loves,but just cant get it from posting and message boards alone. If I were to win me and my pal Eddie would have a swinging night on the town. Partying and hopping around from bar to bar, picking up hot white women and making memories.....together.
I got out of breath just reading those posts.

That prize sucks. I want a different one.
i want a night with baker
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