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Jack Wrote:Wait...

That prize sucks. I want a different one.
You wouldn't even know how to handle human contact.
youll have to ask him questions about home office products all night
I'll beat him till he says the word soda.
i've also lost 15 lbs since i last saw him and can do all that stuff galt said
but do you have 6 hours of MXC and frozen devil dogs? i think not.

plus, you have hung out with gonz alot, whereas, i have barely been with him and therefore would be new and interesting.
crx girl Wrote:i've also lost 15 lbs since i last saw him and can do all that stuff galt said
Don't worry I found them for you.
Arpikarhu Wrote:plus, you have hung out with gonz alot, whereas, i have barely been with him and therefore would be new and interesting.
it's been like, a year almost!
damn what?
a year is a long time.
oh, yeah i know. you guys need to get out more.
we gonna makes the glorious romance
I must admit I hadn't seen galts reply till now but it really did move me and if I didn't think he's full of shit he'd be the clear winner. Yet alas i'd show up and sit there like a fool while he would be posting here laughing at me with all 3 of you.
I am 100% serious. Unfortunately, upon further review, that is most definitely more than 200 words and disqualifies me from the competition.
I will waive the rule in your case, galt is in the lead!!!
No, no, no. That's not fair. I'm a stickler for the rules. I hereby remove myself from consideration.
sorry, it's waived.
"be careful what you wish for..."
Danked Wrote:When is the Win a date with Drusilla contest?
All you need to make her happy is a fountain coke and a trip to the local CVS at 2am.
Then she lets you touch her boobies.
Trust me.
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