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I spoke to jack about the log out problem and he has to fix it from home so it'll be done later tonight.
he's still a slacker
you know what happened after I posted my last post?

The same thing that will happen when I post this one, I will immediatly be taken back to look at what I just typed!!!
I know. Isn't it great?
No, it's fuckin horrible.

There is no reason on earth that I need to be taken back to see what I had just typed 1 second ago, I know what it says cause I fuckin typed it!!
i actually like that feature.

we just really weren't meant to be.
explain to me why you feel the need to be taken back to look at what you just posted? You just wrote it a second ago, is there any surprise?

Do you watch the same movies over and over again hoping that the ending will be different this time maybe and you end up bawling cause the ending is still the same.
I just had to post again cause it took me back to the same fuckin page after I posted.
wow look at that, what I posted above is the same shit I posted, it didnt change, good thing I was taken back to look at again to make sure the gremlins didnt edit my post
My internet connection musta hit 88 MPH cause I am back to where I was 2 seconds ago!!
after you post, you should be brought back to the topics in the forum you're in.

after you mark the forum as read, you should be brought to the forum index.

why can't Jack see the logic in this?
1.21 jigawatts!!!!!
I'm still in 1955 doc ya gotta get me outta here!!!
I'll have a pepsi free
Fine, i'll have a tab instead!
where am I gonna get plutonium?!?!?!!?
make like a tree....and get outta here!
Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if didn't fix the fuckin waste of time warp that takes you back to the post you just posted he'd melt my brain.
watch Back To The Future recently, did ya?
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