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Jack, my density has popped me to you. Now fix the fuckin thing!!
you are my density!
fucko beat me to it
Goatweed Wrote:watch Back To The Future recently, did ya?
No, apparently my optiumum online comes with a mr. fusion cause everytime I post I end up back in time.
If my calculations are correct, when this modem hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.

Like what, doc?

You're gonna be taken back to the post you made 2 seconds ago!!!

whoa, thats heavy!!
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:watch Back To The Future recently, did ya?
No, apparently my optiumum online comes with a mr. fusion cause everytime I post I end up back in time.
Next time you go, pick me up a sports almanac please.
what does weight have to do with it?!?!?!?!?!?
Your wait and see, Mr. Carruthers. I will be mayor. I'll be the most powerful man in Hill Valley. I'm gonna clean up this town.

Good. You can start by fixing the useless fuckin hack in the board that takes you back to what you just posted.
some of the thread .Gifs still aren't showing, too - wtf!
Don't worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely eighty-eight miles per hour the instant the lightning strikes the tower... everything will be fine and you'll end up staring at the same lame fuckin post you just made and feeling like a complete moron when you realize that it wasn't as funny as it was in your stupid head.
1.21 niggawatts
Black Lazerus Wrote:1.21 niggawatts
Now I bet he's staring at his post and thinking to himself "wow that fuckin sucked" and now I actually have to stare at this awful post cause I had to be sucked back here.
yes this is true i did stare. fix it jack so i can't see how much i suck.
Who you callin a spook?

Hey I don't want no problems with no reefer addicts.
maybe its cause i'm lazy. i never preview my post. & i type really fast, so i guess i typo a lot. this way, i know when it shows up. maybe i just got so used to it from all that time i spent on ymb.
Yeah yeah yeah.... Rolleyes
Goatweed Wrote:after you mark the forum as read, you should be brought to the forum index.
i'm with you on that one
jack rules!

(donate button?)
hold on...
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