Full Version: I gotta know if i'm alone on this one..
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I am just disturbed how Galt is reacting to this as if I was sucking dick or planning on cumming on my own face, taking this to make me out as a deviant. I didnt say I enjoyed it and I didnt revel in it, I was and said I was disgusted and everyone here pretty much has a huge fuckin clue that I am a pretty fucked up individual so I made a convo piece cause I pretty much doubted anything I could ever say would shock anyone.
You didn't enjoy it at all?
No, I didn't enjoy it, I know its a huge dissapointment.

Yeah I also kiss chicks after they blow me, I am so fuckin gay.
I do that too. It makes them feel cheap if you don't. But I usually just request a kiss your way up kind of thing so it's not a potential snowball situation.
I've eaten an eclair out of a chicks ass, i've woken up in my car with a condom on and no recollection of what happened, i've fucked an amputee in the handicap stall, among many other things all of which I have discussed. I'm may be a deviant but I don't cum on my face for enjoyment, so I don't get why all of a sudden my past confessions are just somehow trumped by this unplanned and unwanted event.
well that post you linked wasn't very helpful to your cause. Those guys WANT to do it. It kinda made it seem like you were looking for justification to your accident and possibly looking for a repeat performance.
Yeah I was kinda making a mockery and joke of it cause thats what it all should be, I don't mind the mocking and saying its gay, I take it all for what it is and its in good fun. If anything I think I put myself up for mockery more than anyone else ever has and I poke fun at myself just as much as anyone else, I dont mind it as long as people post and have a good time.

But Galt kinda surprised me with his reply.
I'd hug you but I don't think I'd get my arms around you. Plus you have jizz breath.
it's the thought that counts and I didnt cum in my mouth.
I reacted with disgust about my swamp ass. I never said it was OK. I've also never vomited on myself. I'm quite a tidy person. I don't see the hypocrisy.

Getting bodily fluids on me doesn't really gross me out, just semen. Sure it's homophobic, but Oh, it's just so gross. Especially on my own face. I've gotten cum on my hands or on my legs, stomach, whatever either from beating off or from a girl beating me off, but if it hit my face, I'd start screaming. I've gotten shit on my fingers when wiping and not freaked out. But if I got shit on my face, I'd freak the fuck out. Not as bad if I got semen on my face, but I'd still freak out.

So the real repulsion here is from the fact that it hit your face and you're being so cavalier about it.
I am not being cavalier or bragging about it, I posted it for the same reason you posted about your swamp ass. I also never said it was ok that it happened or said I enjoyed and said over and over that I found it disgusting.

I was simply later on making a mockery of it, I wasnt being a braggart as if it was cool to me. It's a stupid and silly fuckin thing to happen, so I treated it as such.
you've cum in your mouth after "a couple" messy incidents.
You don't know what girls complain about. It's "not that bad"
You don't even wash your face afterwards.

I talked about how I wanted to burn my underwear.

I would say that I was disgusted by my actions, where as you were kind of cavalier about yours.

Not that it makes you a bad person. Just a hellbound deviant.
Quote:You don't know what girls complain about. It's "not that bad"

If you took that seriously I should beat you to death.

and I only came in my mouth once by accident, the other time was in my eye.

and P.S. Your mother sucks cocks in hell.
you eat cum. end of story.
i said it landed on my face, never in my mouth.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i said it landed on my face, never in my mouth.
Maybe we can get together and boil eachothers faces.
i knew it!!!!
It took a genius such as yourself to break me, be proud that you prevailed where everyone else failed. You are the Theo Epstein of CDIH.
Quote:i've fucked an amputee in the handicap stall

please tell me you took video of this!!!
as I told mad, no I don't take video of these things.
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