Full Version: I gotta know if i'm alone on this one..
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I missed that part - that's what I get for scanning posts instead of actually reading them.

You should start taking video, you'd make millions selling them.
it's pretty insulting to have banged her in the handicapped stall. If you were going to take her into the bathroom, why not show her one she hadn't been in before? Like a vacation.
it was during like a 3 hour break between classes at the community college, plus she needed something to hold onto and they have the rails in there.
what did you do with her plastic limbs? leave them on a hook, or stick them in the toilet?
she sat on the toilet and she didnt wear limbs, she was missing both legs below the knees.

I had to pick her up and place her on the seat, like forrest gump did when Lt. Dan fell outta his chair but more romantic.
I would have totally kept my palms on her knee knubs and scissored her legs like crazy.
I did that but I didn't scissor them, I kinda used them for leverage, they felt kinda funny at first but I was on my knees and she was on the toilet with the seat down and kinda hunched towards me. So he nubs were at like a angle goin upwards, so I grabbed onto both of them as I was kneeling down and she told me to keep them there cause it made her feel good and I was workin them more like the jet fighter controls in the really old arcade games, it was different to say the least.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I did that but I didn't scissor them, I kinda used them for leverage, they felt kinda funny at first but I was on my knees and she was on the toilet with the seat down and kinda hunched towards me. So he nubs were at like a angle goin upwards, so I grabbed onto both of them as I was kneeling down and she told me to keep them there cause it made her feel good and I was workin them more like the jet fighter controls in the really old arcade games, it was different to say the least.
That's hotter then The Other Sister.
it was actually really an amazing experience.
not wierd at all cause there were no legs wrapped around you?
Quote:I was workin them more like the jet fighter controls in the really old arcade games,

That made me fucking crack up.

Fucking deviant bastard <3
Mad Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I did that but I didn't scissor them, I kinda used them for leverage, they felt kinda funny at first but I was on my knees and she was on the toilet with the seat down and kinda hunched towards me. So he nubs were at like a angle goin upwards, so I grabbed onto both of them as I was kneeling down and she told me to keep them there cause it made her feel good and I was workin them more like the jet fighter controls in the really old arcade games, it was different to say the least.
That's hotter then The Other Sister.
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Mad Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I did that but I didn't scissor them, I kinda used them for leverage, they felt kinda funny at first but I was on my knees and she was on the toilet with the seat down and kinda hunched towards me. So he nubs were at like a angle goin upwards, so I grabbed onto both of them as I was kneeling down and she told me to keep them there cause it made her feel good and I was workin them more like the jet fighter controls in the really old arcade games, it was different to say the least.
That's hotter then The Other Sister.
I bet it felt good gettin that out.
I'm wackin' it to Cape Fear as I type this.
First lie was you whackin it, cause you don't whack.
But if I did and Cape Fear was on, I would!
and if grandma had balls i'd suck them.
Keep digging that hole.
Yes I suck my grandmothers balls and she cums on her face!!
I think that's a sentance I've never read before!

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