Full Version: The 3rd Annual CDIH Year End Awards - Category #4 Poster of the year
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that article was actually part of Home Depot's stock profile....which i used for my Motley Fool Sleeper ReportĀ®
Hey gooch look at that, no one cares.
it's a shame that you muddle your posts with sentiment of ill-will. your act is so tired, arpi laughs at you.

maybe you can beg Kid A to make more pics for you to pass off as your own.
kid a has never made a sig pic for me.

look you are the one who can't take a joke fat boy. and you are one to talk muddled posts, Mr. Galt hater.
It's true I think that you are a scumbag but that's not why i crack on you.
i demand a stock report for KYSR!!!
goatweed was the balls this year and anyone who doesnt vote for him wouldnt know a great poster from a grapefruit!

he was quietly and subtley the funniest guy on this board in 2004.
a rock!
Goatweed is the fucking shit but you people only notice the loud vulgar voice. you are all too dense to see the subtle stylings of Goatweed and what a powerhouse he has been this past year.

he loses=you all suck
funny how arpi used to cry about someone rigging votes while he goes and logs in with multiple accounts to vote.
bullshit! i voted once!
wow you are all a bunch of johnny come-lately voters. do you remember what you did last week?
Bland Wrote:Goatweed is the fucking shit but you people only notice the loud vulgar voice. you are all too dense to see the subtle stylings of Goatweed and what a powerhouse he has been this past year.

he loses=you all suck
i voted for goatweed as well
the only interesting and worthwhile thing you have done on this board in weeks.

You stink.
Hurry, Wackbag has sent up the K1d Signal!

They're in need of your generic message board knoweledge!
Kid Afrika Wrote:BOOM POW SURPRISE!!!11

You stink.
coming from this years anticipated winner of "biggest fall from grace" makes this rich
Black Lazerus Wrote:kid a has never made a sig pic for me.

look you are the one who can't take a joke fat boy. and you are one to talk muddled posts, Mr. Galt hater.
It's true I think that you are a scumbag but that's not why i crack on you.

ha ha..made you explain. silly man

and hilarious for you to bring up Galt...for someone who: "I'm going to get close to him on CDIH so I can really get him". Which was silly to begin with, it is ironic for you to bring up me as a Galt hater. I don't hate Galt. I told him that I think he's a great poster. But I disagree with some things he does. If I met him, I'd shake his hand. People tend to take this board shit just too seriously...and attaching hate is rather silly. I don't hate anyone from this board except for Sean Cold.

Edited By Gooch on 1104972559
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