Full Version: The 3rd Annual CDIH Year End Awards - Category #4 Poster of the year
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Arpikarhu Wrote:
Kid Afrika Wrote:BOOM POW SURPRISE!!!11

You stink.
coming from this years anticipated winner of "biggest fall from grace" makes this rich
If I am voted anything this year, it's about 2 years too late.

And no matter how lame my posting may be, at least I don't applaud myself under a different s/n.
making friends , building bridges.
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Kid Afrika Wrote:BOOM POW SURPRISE!!!11

You stink.
coming from this years anticipated winner of "biggest fall from grace" makes this rich
to bad you never got your grace back or you would be the winner this year as well.
Kid Afrika Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Kid Afrika Wrote:BOOM POW SURPRISE!!!11

You stink.
coming from this years anticipated winner of "biggest fall from grace" makes this rich
If I am voted anything this year, it's about 2 years too late.

And no matter how lame my posting may be, at least I don't applaud myself under a different s/n.
ooh! you got me there!

you have completely lost what little you had and are now merely a satire of yourself.
this really confused me.
befuddlement is not a virtue
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Kid Afrika Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Kid Afrika Wrote:BOOM POW SURPRISE!!!11

You stink.
coming from this years anticipated winner of "biggest fall from grace" makes this rich
If I am voted anything this year, it's about 2 years too late.

And no matter how lame my posting may be, at least I don't applaud myself under a different s/n.
ooh! you got me there!

you have completely lost what little you had and are now merely a satire of yourself.
What the fuck did I ever have? What the fuck did I ever claim to have?
[Image: appl.gif]
I hope your kid is black.
Now you've crossed a line.
now that was funny
Gooch Wrote:befuddlement is not a virtue
then i am fucked!
kid wins for suprisingly funny post of 2k5
you are easily amused
well then you have been a real failure lately

Look how my chair rolls toward the opposite wall!
I thought it was funny too
The Sleeper Wrote:well then you have been a real failure lately

and in case you havent noticed i have been undergoing a renaissance this last week or do.

Pay Attention!!
I did like the groucho marx-esque line. but short of that, nothing has stood out
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