Full Version: The 3rd Annual CDIH Year End Awards - Category #5 Thread Of The Year (Do over)
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I didn't even see that in the shocking thread.

That's nuts that it isn't up for thread of the year.

Laz was at his dumbest and Sleeper lost his mind.
holy shit that thread is amazing, DO-OVER!
IrishAlkey Wrote:An Admin, Goatweed, said...

Quote:I'm thinking this is an early contender for Thread of the Year (2004)
I looked for it, I couldn't fucking find it!!

Read that thread and tell me you don't fucking laugh!
It's internet messageboard entertainment at it's finest.
I called Keyser a Grade A Moron!
Silera was the easiest person to get riled up ever. me and fucking arpi planned that and you guys bit it hook line and sinker.
I have the AIM logs
I have the thread.
I post once every 3-4 months.

If you and Arpi had planned on buying a winning lotto ticket, you'd have had a better chance of succeeding.
An elaborate plan. Of course you knew before hand that the underground grammar police would turn the thread into a 3 credit remedial english class.

In fact, I bet the aim log goes like this...

Black Lazerus: yo, sup
Arpikarhu: who is this
Black Lazerus: who the fuck you think it is
Black Lazerus: im gonna sucker these morons into thinking I think that vacation is not a verb
Arpikarhu: sucker? It's not like trying to make the statue liberty dissappear
Arpikarhu: *of
Black Lazerus: what you mean
Arpikarhu: ...
Arpikarhu: theyre all mindless dullards, they probably won't even realize that you're wrong
Black Lazerus: wanna make a bet
Arpikarhu: I only bet when there is real money to win
Black Lazerus: ill put money down
Arpikarhu: Let me rephrase. I only bet when there is actual money to win
Black Lazerus: fuck you, faggot ass light bulb changer
Arpikarhu: but i'm still right, as well as rich
Arpikarhu: which means youre both wrong and poor, darkie
Black Lazerus: .....

Edited By The Jays on 1105150575
we started jerking alkie and silera independently and then got together to continue the fun. Laz' memory of our cooperative effort is correct.
this thread was also the beginning of my using silera to piss off alkie.

good times. good times.

i must agree with alkie and sleeper. that thread was thread of the year. no doubt about it.
Vacationing thread was an option for most shocking thing on CDIH last year.
Quote:Sleeper: I say ol chum!
Quote:Sleeper: Do you flabbergast often?

reading that thread it gives me joy to imagine alkey typing with tears of rage in his eyes while silera screams at him in the background, "back me on this or you get none for weeks!"
Remember how we discussed how the oscars sometimes ignore worthy contendors?

coincidentally, every posters best post of the year also occured in that thread. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES??

Yeah, Sideways, sweep every category!!!!!
oh well, these things happen.
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