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Confusedmacks gooch:


:runs away:

Nope, that's not it...damn this is hard!
You people make me cry.
Rooner, admit that this board is better than that board. That the posters here are much better than the posters on that board. Do it.
he knows , so does gooch. but they like variety. rooner moreso than gooch considering his love life.
Galt Wrote:Rooner, admit that this board is better than that board. That the posters here are much better than the posters on that board. Do it.
Both serve their purpose and I enjoy myself on both. You Galty my boy, seem to have a need to have all your message board interaction to be thought provoking and intelligent. There are certainly times where I desire this as well. And believe it or not, we have our intelligent debates from time to time there. I go to each board for the people there. I like people here. I like people there. And I interact with everyone.


I have just as much fun being an ass and posting innane shit as I do when I have an actual topic to actually discuss. You on the other hand, only seem to enjoy yourself when you are either having a thoughtful and meaningful discussion, or youre thoroughly ripping someone to shreds. And thats fine. Thats what you enjoy and I dont fault you for it. Myself, I just want to have some fun.

So no, I will not say this board is better and the posters are better. Because its not true to me.

Now, you say that when Im not posting drivel, you actually dont mind me posting. SAY IT!
Black Lazerus Wrote:he knows , so does gooch. but they like variety. rooner moreso than gooch considering his love life.
Quiet darkie.
that was a very thoughtful and accurate post. However, I do like inane posts every once in a while. But that's every once in a while, and that's becuase this board so rarely ever has them, so it's a nice change of pace. Though, I honestly don't recognize anything you say normally. You don't stand out as of yet.

But seriously, you can freely admit that we are, as a group, smarter and more interesting. While you are at it, you can also admit how hypocritical you think Gooch and Hottie are for banning people who go to that site, while at the same time encouraging their users to go to other sites and make pests of themselves. Just admit that as a rule you'd prefer a board that largely has intelligent discussions with a very rare chat thread rather than a board that as a rule has chat threads/amateur posting style, with a rare intelligent conversation (I'll take your word for it)
you are more enamored of yourself. and it dictates all opinion and perception in a trickle-down effect. makes it an us vs them mentality, which you brought to YMB.
I cannot make assumptions as to the intelligence of anyone here or there. I can say that Ive had thought provoking and inciteful conversations with members of both boards on multiple occasions. I enjoy the interactions I have and the conversations I have with members in both locations.

While I may not agree with every aspect of how Gooch and Hottie run their board, I also dont agree with EVERY aspect of how any board Im on is run. There is always room for improvement. But I respect how Gooch and Hottie want to run their board. It is theirs to run as they wish. But they do listen to and respect my input on matters. We agree on the majority of the issues that come up.

For the record, they never ENCOURAGED our users to travel abroad and make nuisances of themselves. That idea originated with the members, with myself contributing, and basically got a "That would be funny" from the management. They never asked or told anyone to do it. That is another case of something being misconstrued by those who would like to keep the animosity brewing between the boards.

I dont prefer any one thing Galt. My desires are fleeting and my interests change on a minute by minute basis. I do not enjoy any one board more than any other, as I said. If I did, I would concentrate my efforts on one board. Where I post all depends on the mood Im in and the interaction I am desiring at that moment in time. There was only one board that had all the elements I enjoyed in a message board, and that was YMB through the first half of last year. Once things started to change there, EVEN BEFORE HOTTIE CAME TO ME WITH BOREDPLANET, I lost interest in posting. Now I just bounce around and babble.

All in all, I like my current situation.
Rooner Wrote:
Galt Wrote:Rooner, admit that this board is better than that board. That the posters here are much better than the posters on that board. Do it.
Both serve their purpose and I enjoy myself on both. You Galty my boy, seem to have a need to have all your message board interaction to be thought provoking and intelligent. There are certainly times where I desire this as well. And believe it or not, we have our intelligent debates from time to time there. I go to each board for the people there. I like people here. I like people there. And I interact with everyone.


I have just as much fun being an ass and posting innane shit as I do when I have an actual topic to actually discuss. You on the other hand, only seem to enjoy yourself when you are either having a thoughtful and meaningful discussion, or youre thoroughly ripping someone to shreds. And thats fine. Thats what you enjoy and I dont fault you for it. Myself, I just want to have some fun.

So no, I will not say this board is better and the posters are better. Because its not true to me.

Now, you say that when Im not posting drivel, you actually dont mind me posting. SAY IT!
I didn't do anything to get banned though.
I demand to be reinstated.

Quote:For the record, they never ENCOURAGED our users to travel abroad and make nuisances of themselves.
gooch didn't encourage but she did

Edited By Black Lazerus on 1105628391
Gooch specifically said "go to CDIH and vote for me". I don't think he can honestly say he meant "I just wanted them to vote for me and leave" Of course he wanted a showing.

Here, no one has ever said "go there and post"
Here, there's no editing, deleting, or banning. We are free, you live under a dictatorship.

You know this place is better. It's OK to say. It's not like if you admit it that you can't ever post there again.

It's just like how I like to eat healthy. I know it's better for me, and it's the way I prefer to live. However, once in a while I like getting a big burger from Wendy's and a bucket of fries. Sure, the healthy way is definitely better, but the junk food is sometimes OK too. Though it's short lived and doesn't offer anything of substance.

The vomit-posting style that exists there and that existed on YMB is like junk food. We are gourmet cuisine. Just admitting that is OK.
your top sentence is purely your own driveling nonesense. yes, its all a plan. dope.

i love cdih's freedom and like the was gonzo runs it.

i disagree, nor do i think my place is better. to be honest, i feel YMB was better. I've notice that people think far too much of themselves here...and the ego just shoots oneself in the foot, and BP it is wayy too chatty...and YMB had the right mix until either the ER triplets would go too much into chatting all over and turn people off, or on the other side, someone would start being critical/opinionated and use it like a bludgeon and also turn people off.

and to your last sentence...once again you have this need to compare and measure. you must feel deficient somewhere for this unassailable need?

Edited By Gooch on 1105629663
Like I said Galt, we have different tastes. What you may consider slumming, I consider home. More than likely, its a reflection of our opinions on many matters. We dont have to agree. I only recently started enjoying myself at CDIH, for a while, I just posted here to attempt to be a thorn in your sides. But Gonzo put his spell on me and I actually like a few others here, so it keeps me coming back. But I honestly do no consider one better than the other, and if that lowers your opinion of me, so be it. Im not concerned. If you couldnt tell by now, Im not particularly worried about the opinions of others.
Gooch Wrote:your top sentence is purely your own driveling nonesense. yes, its all a plan. dope.

i love cdih's freedom and like the was gonzo runs it.

i disagree, nor do i think my place is better. to be honest, i feel YMB was better. I've notice that people think far too much of themselves here...and the ego just shoots oneself in the foot, and BP it is wayy too chatty...and YMB had the right mix until either the ER triplets would go too much into chatting all over and turn people off, or on the other side, someone would start being critical/opinionated and use it like a bludgeon and also turn people off.

and to your last sentence...once again you have this need to compare and measure. you must feel deficient somewhere for this unassailable need?
Quote:There was only one board that had all the elements I enjoyed in a message board, and that was YMB through the first half of last year.

I knew we were meant to be together. Alkey had it all and didnt even know it.
Rooner Wrote:
Gooch Wrote:your top sentence is purely your own driveling nonesense. yes, its all a plan. dope.

i love cdih's freedom and like the was gonzo runs it.

i disagree, nor do i think my place is better. to be honest, i feel YMB was better. I've notice that people think far too much of themselves here...and the ego just shoots oneself in the foot, and BP it is wayy too chatty...and YMB had the right mix until either the ER triplets would go too much into chatting all over and turn people off, or on the other side, someone would start being critical/opinionated and use it like a bludgeon and also turn people off.

and to your last sentence...once again you have this need to compare and measure. you must feel deficient somewhere for this unassailable need?
Quote:There was only one board that had all the elements I enjoyed in a message board, and that was YMB through the first half of last year.

I knew we were meant to be together. Alkey had it all and didnt even know it.
i guess you got sick of typing more than 10 words
Ive reached my quota for today. Who the hell wants to read the crap that spills outta my mind anyway?
so when will I be unbanned?
Laz, I do believe your role in the debacle in August will keep you out indefinitely.
But I thought Board planet was about love and forgiveness?
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