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Full Version: Podcasting Announcement
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Sweet, not only is segment 16 back, but 2 of the 3 missing ones from last week were posted too.
I want to thank Steve for quickly bringing back segment 16 and even including missing ones from last week. Obviously I'd still like all of the local breaks back but at least getting 16 back is a huge step forward which I am very grateful to have. The awkward Zane/HW fight was a great bonus as well. If you have any more favorites little bits that you'd like to include as a bonus 17th cut in the future please toss them in, Steve. I'm sure every single one would be appreciated. Keep up the great work.
mayorofawesometown Wrote:I want to thank Steve for quickly bringing back segment 16 and even including missing ones from last week. Obviously I'd still like all of the local breaks back but at least getting 16 back is a huge step forward which I am very grateful to have. The awkward Zane/HW fight was a great bonus as well. If you have any more favorites little bits that you'd like to include as a bonus 17th cut in the future please toss them in, Steve. I'm sure every single one would be appreciated. Keep up the great work.

that would be interesting, an extra segment, maybe a best of type of flash back or something, people make requests for specific segments that have stuck out and they get put in or something like that. or maybe some off the main air type of crap that got recorded and is too funny to pass up.
I second awesometown, my first 17th segment request is the joe and ben show. I wasn't podcasting when they did them and now that I am I would love to have them for the weekends when I do my own "best of"
I do still miss the news though, it was always funny and interesting. I was shocked when I got through 13 segments during my work day today, when I rarely make it to 10. I really wish there was some compromise that could be worked out
yeah I always found the news interesting but im not jumping off any buildings by not having them. I definately like the 5 second breaks between segments a whole lot better than the two minute ones. Big ups on that one steev :thumbup: :clap:
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