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Stephanie Webb - Printable Version

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Stephanie Webb - dumberthanzane - 12-04-2008

Who on the show would you like to see Stephanie Webb replace?

Stephanie Webb - -Jiggy- - 12-05-2008

Is it possible to add another one and say no one? They each fall into their own unique spot that does not need to be tampered with.

Stephanie Webb - linzi - 12-05-2008

Like my mama used to say, if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.
Anyone else just have deja vu? whoa.
Isn't this the second or third thread discussing her? ???

Stephanie Webb - -Jiggy- - 12-05-2008

Kind of redundant ain't it?

Stephanie Webb - xxxredeye - 12-05-2008

dumberthanzane Wrote:Who on the show would you like to see Stephanie Webb replace?

Its been how Effing long since Stephanie was on the show? She wasn't that good, she was average at best. The only reason she was a success was because she was a little different and talked a little more than Hot Wings. She's not ever going to become a permanent member of the show and if she did, she wouldn't be replacing anyone! The show would probably suck and be dropped across the board! Go shove your stupid poll up your stupid vagina you stupid stupid!

Stephanie Webb - Queenie - 12-05-2008

xxxredeye Wrote:
dumberthanzane Wrote:Who on the show would you like to see Stephanie Webb replace?

Its been how effing long since Stephanie was on the show? She wasn't that good, she was average at best. The only reason she was a success was because she was a little different and talked a little more than Hot Wings. She's not ever going to become a permanent member of the show and if she did, she wouldn't be replacing anyone! The show would probably suck and be dropped across the board! Go shove your stupid poll up your stupid vagina you stupid stupid!

Chill baby baby, chill baby baby, CHILL!!

Not necessary. Thank you!!

Stephanie Webb - plungerhand - 12-05-2008

As much as I hate to agree with redeye....

Stephanie Webb - Queenie - 12-05-2008

jus' P Wrote:As much as I hate to agree with redeye....

I totally agree with you and him, but it is not necessary to berate somebody who obviously is not going to understand what he's talking about anyway.

Stephanie Webb - plungerhand - 12-05-2008

Queenie Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:As much as I hate to agree with redeye....

I totally agree with you and him, but it is not necessary to berate somebody who obviously is not going to understand what he's talking about anyway.


Stephanie Webb - Queenie - 12-05-2008

jus' P Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:I totally agree with you and him, but it is not necessary to berate somebody who obviously is not going to understand what he's talking about anyway.



Stephanie Webb - sunshyne - 12-05-2008

lol +1 Queenie

Stephanie Webb - chevsscamaro67 - 12-05-2008

I didn't think Webb was that interesting...

Stephanie Webb - freebeer - 12-05-2008

Stephanie is great, and if we have the opportunity or desire to expand the team, she'd be at the top of the list. But to be clear, she would not replace anyone. I don't think I really need to say the last part, but there it is.

Stephanie Webb - -Jiggy- - 12-05-2008

freebeer Wrote:Stephanie is great, and if we have the opportunity or desire to expand the team, she'd be at the top of the list. But to be clear, she would not replace anyone. I don't think I really need to say the last part, but there it is.
'nuff said!

Stephanie Webb - zetsyuk - 12-05-2008

freebeer Wrote:Stephanie is great, and if we have the opportunity or desire to expand the team, she'd be at the top of the list. But to be clear, she would not replace anyone. I don't think I really need to say the last part, but there it is.

Good of you to set the record straight on this insane idea.

Stephanie Webb - dumberthanzane - 12-05-2008

xxxredeye Wrote:
dumberthanzane Wrote:Who on the show would you like to see Stephanie Webb replace?

Its been how effing long since Stephanie was on the show? She wasn't that good, she was average at best. The only reason she was a success was because she was a little different and talked a little more than Hot Wings. She's not ever going to become a permanent member of the show and if she did, she wouldn't be replacing anyone! The show would probably suck and be dropped across the board! Go shove your stupid poll up your stupid vagina you stupid stupid!

Is this Zane? Sure sounds like his type of ranting

Stephanie Webb - lokizilla - 12-05-2008

Jiggy Wrote:Is it possible to add another one and say no one? They each fall into their own unique spot that does not need to be tampered with.

I agree. The poll should have the option to choose replace no one. As the show is good as it is....and they have the three amigo clause.

Stephanie Webb - xxxredeye - 12-05-2008

dumberthanzane Wrote:
xxxredeye Wrote:Its been how effing long since Stephanie was on the show? She wasn't that good, she was average at best. The only reason she was a success was because she was a little different and talked a little more than Hot Wings. She's not ever going to become a permanent member of the show and if she did, she wouldn't be replacing anyone! The show would probably suck and be dropped across the board! Go shove your stupid poll up your stupid vagina you stupid stupid!

Is this Zane? Sure sounds like his type of ranting

I'll take that as a compliment... thank you! But, no, this is not Zane. Just one question for you, are you gay for Stephanie Webb or do you just hate the show and how great it is the way it is?

Stephanie Webb - bigdaddy - 12-05-2008

freebeer Wrote:Stephanie is great, and if we have the opportunity or desire to expand the team, she'd be at the top of the list. But to be clear, she would not replace anyone. I don't think I really need to say the last part, but there it is.

Except replace "she would not replace anyone" with "Zane's probably on his way to another nervous breakdown & then we'll probably replace him with stephanie webb faster than the fart smell can clear the room"

Stephanie Webb - born2bone - 12-05-2008

I think we should replace the person who started this thread with Stephanie Webb.

Stephanie Webb - Mad Dog - 12-06-2008

Brian Wrote:I think we should replace the person who started this thread with Stephanie Webb.

That's awsome +1 !!

Stephanie Webb - dolph - 12-06-2008

If Steph fills in for Zane , she will have to do her own Mr. errrr......Ms. 10 video.

Stephanie Webb - -Jiggy- - 12-06-2008

dolph Wrote:If Steph fills in for Zane , she will have to do her own Mr. errrr......Ms. 10 video.

freebeer Wrote:Stephanie is great, and if we have the opportunity or desire to expand the team, she'd be at the top of the list. But to be clear, she would not replace anyone. I don't think I really need to say the last part, but there it is.


Stephanie Webb - patfromportland - 12-07-2008

Stephanie Webb is ok but definately not show worthy. I dont know if anyone else notices this but she says "yesssss" alot and always elongates her s's. After everything the guys say its always "yessssss".

Stephanie Webb - professorpinasheep - 12-07-2008

You act like a chick constantly saying "Yessss" is a bad thing. Wink

Stephanie Webb - Mad Dog - 12-07-2008

Imray_Pinasheep Wrote:You act like a chick constantly saying "Yessss" is a bad thing. Wink

Stephanie Web can say "Yesssss" to me any time Smile

Stephanie Webb - potthole - 12-08-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:
Imray_Pinasheep Wrote:You act like a chick constantly saying "Yessss" is a bad thing. Wink

Stephanie Web can say "Yesssss" to me any time Smile

I often get the sense that anything that is female and breathing can say yes to you.

Stephanie Webb - plungerhand - 12-08-2008

I thought freebeer's response to this thread would have been enough to close or lock this.

Stephanie Webb - -Jiggy- - 12-08-2008

Love the new avatar Plungerhand! Ha!

Stephanie Webb - dino - 12-08-2008

jus' P Wrote:I thought freebeer's response to this thread would have been enough to close or lock this.
Nah....we don't want people to think we're moderator Nazi's or anything. errrr........Damn! Too late! According to some we're evil incarnate. Undecided Oh well, whatchya gonna do?!?!

Stephanie Webb - Queenie - 12-08-2008

dino Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:I thought freebeer's response to this thread would have been enough to close or lock this.
Nah....we don't want people to think we're moderator Nazi's or anything. errrr........Damn! Too late! According to some we're evil incarnate. Undecided Oh well, whatchya gonna do?!?!

Great dino! Now I have a little ditty in my head that will probably be stuck for a while . . .

bad boys, bad boys, whatchya gonna do, whatchya gonna do when they come for you . . .

Stephanie Webb - Mad Dog - 12-08-2008

potthole Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:Stephanie Web can say "Yesssss" to me any time Smile

I often get the sense that anything that is female and breathing can say yes to you.

If that female is ATTRACTIVE and breathing then Yes If she is obese and a minger then NO. I do have standards. I decide if a woman is attractive or not. Stephanie Webb is definitely very attractive. You're judging me because just because I'm single and looking.

Stephanie Webb - potthole - 12-08-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:
potthole Wrote:I often get the sense that anything that is female and breathing can say yes to you.

If that female is ATTRACTIVE and breathing then Yes If she is obese and a minger then NO. I do have standards. I decide if a woman is attractive or not. Stephanie Webb is definitely very attractive. You're judging me because just because I'm single and looking.

It's called teasing. You seem to go ga-ga over almost any mention of a female here, so it makes you easy fodder.

Stephanie Webb - Mad Dog - 12-08-2008

potthole Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:If that female is ATTRACTIVE and breathing then Yes If she is obese and a minger then NO. I do have standards. I decide if a woman is attractive or not. Stephanie Webb is definitely very attractive. You're judging me because just because I'm single and looking.

It's called teasing. You seem to go ga-ga over almost any mention of a HOT female here, so it makes you easy fodder.

I'm a natural born flirt and I love women. I'm definitely not gay. I don't mind teasing, but your style of teasing is kind of rough and you didn't couch it with a smiley. Sooo... how am I supposed to know you are teasing??

Stephanie Webb - patfromportland - 12-08-2008

Wow, if i was hot wings I would be so pissed right now. Dont worry hot wings, everyone that voted for you is soft headed.

Stephanie Webb - potthole - 12-09-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:
potthole Wrote:It's called teasing. You seem to go ga-ga over almost any mention of a HOT female here, so it makes you easy fodder.

I'm a natural born flirt and I love women. I'm definitely not gay. I don't mind teasing, but your style of teasing is kind of rough and you didn't couch it with a smiley. Sooo... how am I supposed to know you are teasing??

When in doubt, assume sarcasm.

Stephanie Webb - dingdongyo - 12-09-2008

potthole Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:If that female is ATTRACTIVE and breathing then Yes If she is obese and a minger then NO. I do have standards. I decide if a woman is attractive or not. Stephanie Webb is definitely very attractive. You're judging me because just because I'm single and looking.

It's called teasing. You seem to go ga-ga over almost any mention of a female here, so it makes you easy fodder.
i get irritated over this too. it happens a lot here. mostly because it assumes everyone should care that you think someone is hot.
i don't care if you are horny. nobody here does.

patfromportland Wrote:Wow, if i was hot wings I would be so pissed right now. Dont worry hot wings, everyone that voted for you is soft headed.
i don't know, i mean he's alright, i mean he says some really funny things once in a while, i mean i like his sniper insults, i mean it's nothing personal, i mean i think he's a good guy too...
can be annoying.

Stephanie Webb - Mad Dog - 12-09-2008

dingdongyo Wrote:
potthole Wrote:It's called teasing. You seem to go ga-ga over almost any mention of a female here, so it makes you easy fodder.
i get irritated over this too. it happens a lot here. mostly because it assumes everyone should care that you think someone is hot.
i don't care if you are horny. nobody here does.

Question. What are the three topics most talked about all time? Answer. Sex, Politics and Religion, in that order. I take it you turned your radio off when Freebeer and Hotwings had Dr Skin on as their guest today. I may be wrong but as far as I know Dr. Skin is their most repeated guest, but since you and potthole seem to be such prudes, I doubt you have heard three word of it right? Because if you DID listen to the Dr Skin interview today and enjoyed yourself, I'd be willing to call you a hypocrite. OK everybody..... because dingdongyo and potthole get irritated with "who's hot" and "who's not " talk nobody is allowed to comment on the subject anymore.

Stephanie Webb - -Jiggy- - 12-09-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:
dingdongyo Wrote:i get irritated over this too. it happens a lot here. mostly because it assumes everyone should care that you think someone is hot.
i don't care if you are horny. nobody here does.

Question. What are the three topics most talked about all time? Answer. Sex, Politics and Religion, in that order. I take it you turned your radio off when Freebeer and Hotwings had Dr Skin on as their guest today. I may be wrong but as far as I know Dr. Skin is their most repeated guest, but since you and potthole seem to be such prudes, I doubt you have heard three word of it right? Because if you DID listen to the Dr Skin interview today and enjoyed yourself, I'd be willing to call you a hypocrite. OK everybody..... because dingdongyo and potthole get irritated with "who's hot" and "who's not " talk nobody is allowed to comment on the subject anymore.

Stephanie Webb - potthole - 12-09-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:Question. What are the three topics most talked about all time? Answer. Sex, Politics and Religion, in that order. I take it you turned your radio off when Freebeer and Hotwings had Dr Skin on as their guest today. I may be wrong but as far as I know Dr. Skin is their most repeated guest, but since you and potthole seem to be such prudes, I doubt you have heard three word of it right? Because if you DID listen to the Dr Skin interview today and enjoyed yourself, I'd be willing to call you a hypocrite. OK everybody..... because dingdongyo and potthole get irritated with "who's hot" and "who's not " talk nobody is allowed to comment on the subject anymore.

Ok, now the teeth come out.

I'm not a prude. So long as we don't have a repeat of the whole Slutty Nurse fiasco, I'm fine with talk about sex. Outside of that incident, I've never told anybody that I don't think they should talk about sex or hot girls/guys. I've helped to enforce the Proboard rules about posting of racy photos, to help this place from being shut down by Proboards, but that's it. I have no issues with Mr. Skin interviews or discussions about them.

I just find it slightly annoying when you try to hit on any girl on here that you might think is attractive. It really makes you look like a desperate, pathetic person. You're single, looking for a girl, and lonely. I get it. I don't need to see you tripping over yourself to tell some random female on here that you think she's hot. Newsflash- it's not going to get you any tail.