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Red House Jingle is why FBHW Rules! - Printable Version

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Red House Jingle is why FBHW Rules! - landmammaldolphin - 04-23-2009

I have to say that the Red House furniture jingle is hilarious. That being said, it gave the guys another reason to prove why they are the best morning show in America! I cringed when they said they were going to sing the harmonies but it was funnier than all get out. I actually got anxious for them but they did a great job with it.

What makes them great is the fact that they are willing to put themselves out there like that and have fun with it! I don't know how to fully explain it but to me what they did this morning is the epitome of greatness. Bravo gentlemen, bravo.

[/ass kissing]

Re: Red House Jingle is why FBHW Rules! - linzi - 04-23-2009

It is the Best Commercial EVER!!!! Where the hell else in High Point are black people and white people going to buy their furniture....really, it's not a big town at all!

Re: Red House Jingle is why FBHW Rules! - facelessvoiceme2 - 04-23-2009

I SO want it for my ringtone.
Thanks guys!

Re: Red House Jingle is why FBHW Rules! - plumpenut - 04-23-2009

I hate them....for good reason.....at the reeeeeed house..........stuck in my head all day!

Re: Red House Jingle is why FBHW Rules! - Torque - 04-23-2009

I just watched the video, it was even better than I expected and I had already been humming the theme for the second day in a row. And yay for harmonies!