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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - San Diego shooting

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: San Diego shooting
Kid Afrika
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 5:29 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
People, our school system teaches kids that Christopher Columbus discoverd America, or was it Amerigo Vespucci? But, how do you discover a place that has people living there already? If I walk into your house and claim it as mine, did I discover it?

This is the school system that you want to teach your kids right and wrong? If you don't want to raise your kids, don't have them.

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 5:34 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Let the school teach him to read. I'll teach him not to shoot people.

Amen, brutha.

Someone that blames this shit on the schools and society is the kind of person with these asshole undisciplined children that run around like fucking animals and break stuff, and all the inept parent can do is shake a finger and say "don't do that", which the kid listens to for roughly 15 seconds before going back to what they were doing. No fucking discipline in this country. Lemme tell ya, a little spank on the ass is NOT the same as beating your child. Beating your child is hard abuse.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 5:35 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01


hypocrites. just because you don't shoot someone you wanna just beat the shit out of people now? Wow great. And I'm guessing you support PETA and eat redmeat all day too. crackwhore. And if you read the times last week they released stats on gun control. SINCE gun control was fully instituted in austrailia, crime has gone up 12%.

you should do some research before thinking the obvious.

Fuck y'all.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 5:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Slow Down! Gun Control is not the issue. Besides no matter how much we think we have guns under control there are other forms of weaponry.

Anyway, the fact is that children today are not looked after enough, at home, or in schools. The other cheek is turned way too often (by all adults) and the signs of rage are ignored. Unfortunately, this kind of shit will continue to happen, no matter what precautions we take.

posted on 03-05-2001 @ 5:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
The "good" parents teach their children right from wrong and good morals...the only thing the victims did this morning was go to school for an education...that got 2 killed and 14 injured... The media will begin placing blame on music, movies, etc...What a sad day for the children in Santee and the children all over the USA...

Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 5:48 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Heres to you and your concealed weapons dipshit


Do you feel safer sitting next to someone carrying a gun?

Many people say no to that question, and for many valid reasons. Most people who have permits to carry concealed weapons -- people who are not law enforcement officials -- have limited training and undergo less testing than even the most basic police recruit. Yet they are led to believe that given a dangerous situation, they will use deadly force with the same care and consideration that police officers will. Once a bullet leaves a gun, who is to say that it will stop only a criminal? Yet the National Rifle Association at every opportunity uses the fear of crime to promote the need for ordinary citizens to pack a gun.

The carrying of concealed weapons (CCW) was prohibited or severely limited in most states prior to the mid-1990's. After its stunning losses on the Brady Bill and the assault weapon ban in 1993-94, the NRA needed a win - and turned to their traditional strongholds in state legislatures. By 1995, the NRA made the radical liberalization of CCW laws at the state level their top political priority, arguing that ordinary people carrying hidden weaponss would actually reduce the nation's soaring crime rates. Their not-so-hidden agenda: increasing gun ownership in general and increasing the sales of concealable handguns - at a time when gun sales had gone flat - in particular. In the first year of their new campaign, the gun lobby was successful, and many states changed their laws to allow the widespread carrying of concealed weapons.

Since 1996, however, the gun lobby has failed to convince even one state legislature to weaken concealed-carry laws. Despite the claims of the gun lobby's pro-CCW "expert," economist John Lott, who attempts to link liberal CCW laws with lower crime rates, several eminent criminologists have now published peer-reviewed studies debunking this flawed research. (See John Lott Q&A). And, in what may be the decade's conclusive refutation of pro-CCW propaganda, in April, 1999 Missouri citizens voted against liberalizing that state's CCW laws in the first-ever state referendum on the issue, although the NRA spent almost $4 million to win what it called 'the last great gun battle of the 20th century.' Following the Missouri vote, Kansas, Michigan and Colorado legislatures all dropped NRA-sponsored drives to weaken those states' CCW laws. Clearly, the tide has turned against hidden handguns.


The number of crime victims who successfully use firearms to defend themselves is quite small. Out of 34,040 American firearms deaths in 1996, only 212 were justifiable homicides by private citizens with firearms.
More guns = more crime - or at least a much smaller reduction in the crime rate. A 1999 study by the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, based on FBI crime statistics, demonstrates that liberalizing CCW laws may have an adverse effect on a state's crime rate. Between 1992 and 1997, the violent crime rate in states which kept strict CCW laws fell by an average of 24.8%. The 29 states that bought the NRA line that hidden handguns make them safer saw their violent crime rates drop by only 11.4%. Nationally, violent crime declined by 19.4% in that five year period. (Click here to see the study, "Concealed Truth")
The gun lobby claims that only law-abiding citizens get CCW permits. But a recent study by the Violence Policy Center demonstrated that in the first six months of 1997, the weapon-related offense rate among Texas concealed handgun license holders was more than twice as high as that of the general population of Texas. We know that CCW holders are committing crimes - 946 of them in Texas in that six-month period - but because the gun lobby ensures that lists of CCW licensees in most states are not publicly obtainable, the full story has not yet been told.
Even law-abiding citizens with the best intentions underestimate how hard it is to use a gun for successful self-defense. Even highly-trained police officers frequently lose control of their handguns; according to the National Institute of Justice, an average of 16% of all police officers killed in the line of duty are killed by an adversary with the officer's firearm. And police officers know that the very sight of a gun can escalate a situation, so that instead of losing your wallet, you lose your life. That's why almost every major law enforcement organization, including the International Brotherhood of Police Officers and the International Association of Chiefs of Police, opposes the liberalization of CCW laws. (See Law Enforcement)
An armed society is an at-risk society. Many permit holders have been stripped of their permits for criminal behavior…and even law-abiding people get angry, get confused, make mistakes, and escalate ordinary arguments into gun-play.

Carrying-concealed-weapons (CCW) laws have nothing to do with private firearms ownership in the home. They relate solely to allowing individuals to carry their concealed guns almost anywhere in the community.

Much of the CCW debate is couched in somewhat obscure language. Pro-gun forces favor "shall issue" laws, which means that law enforcement shall issue a permit allowing the carrying of hidden handguns to anyone who meets that state's requirements. In many states, these requirements are minimal and do not go much beyond the federal Brady Law requirements for purchasing firearms - meaning that some licensees are eligible despite criminal convictions for violent or drug-related misdemeanors. Training requirements are extremely lax in most states and do not even include proof that a licensee knows how to load, fire or store a firearm. And, although some states do forbid the carrying of concealed weapons in certain government buildings, most shall-issue states allow concealed weapons in bars, daycare centers, sports stadiums and other public places where firearms should clearly be prohibited. Utah and Montana even permit their licensees to carry guns on school grounds, and Kentucky amended its already lax law to permit guns in churches and other places of worship.

Handgun Control supports the seven states which flatly prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons. However, fourteen other states with "may-issue" systems - meaning that law enforcement may issue a permit depending upon the needs and circumstances of the applicant - do allow police to deny permits to applicants who clearly should not be carrying firearms. New Jersey, for example, issues a very small number of permits, and almost all go to citizens like security guards with an occupational requirement. "May-issue" systems like New Jersey's enable law enforcement to retain discretion over the serious and dangerous privilege of carrying a concealed weapon in public, and are supported by almost every major law enforcement organization.

What are we gonna do about this?
" Where the men become boys and the women are play toys"
Student of Faceman's Teen Foreign Exchange Program
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 5:55 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01

Slow Down! Gun Control is not the issue. Besides no matter how much we think we have guns under control there are other forms of weaponry.

i totally agree, knife attacks in DC have gone up 25% since 'tougher' gun control was implemented.

sounds like another disgruntled hippie who spat on the soldiers that were returning from nam. even your leader rosie o'donnel wanted her body guards to have concealed weapons. just go hold onto your daisy over there while a colin furgeson one day just happens to show up in your train ya douche.

PS: nice job on pulling up misinformation from the net.

Fuck y'all.

This message was edited by AndyKoom on 3-5-01 @ 6:01 PM
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 6:23 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Its society, its the schools, its the parents, its bullshit.
This is the same shit I hear from my hippie government teacher who says that the student body has no leadership because of the principal and the Supreme Court. It has no leadership because there are no individuals that are leaders. Same here, don't blame other crap- it's that fucked-up kid who should have to go through 72 different forms of torture before he is put 12 feet under. PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND I HOPE THAT THE PARENTS OF THE VICTIMS GET RETRIBUTION
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 6:23 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
It is truly yet another sad day...

Yes the media will blame everyone and everything except those responsible...the child and the parents...

Why does this happen?

I just dont understand...

Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 6:24 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Misinformation?? Yeah ok and the stuff you are talking out of your ass and quoting the Times makes you a good resource of information? I have been doing research on this type of stuff now for like 6 years, I know my facts. Now go pay your NRA dues and shut the F up.

What are we gonna do about this?
" Where the men become boys and the women are play toys"
Student of Faceman's Teen Foreign Exchange Program
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 6:31 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I revert back to a previous post...

Ya might wanna wipe off your shoes. Sorry!
Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 6:35 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
lol Blue that is funny but those kids bought guns at a gun show where they dont even do background checks. I must sound like a such a democrat pain in the ass but this just hits too close to home, i have lost a loved one that was shot and killed by a kid with a gun, so that is why i feel so strongly.

What are we gonna do about this?
" Where the men become boys and the women are play toys"
Student of Faceman's Teen Foreign Exchange Program
white shorts
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 6:37 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
bluetarp, that is priceless.

I have a little Wick.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 6:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
As a parent of two children I have to respond to this.
It is the responsibility of the parents to teach the children right from wrong. If you have guns in the house, and you handle them in front of the kids, they will want to emulate you.

If you are a drunk in front of the kids they will try to copy you, if you beat you're children they will assume that is a common place thing for them and accept it.

We are what we make our children, if you are too busy, to make time for your kids, don't make them, practice birth control. Not all good kids come from good families and vice-versa. If you pPlain and simple.t in the time with them, love them and cherish them, you stand a good chance of having good kids, not always, but usually. All kids need to be loved and accepted. Plain and simple.

P Licking Ass F'er-Newest Member Of My Crime Family


E-Mail Me
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 6:49 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
bluetarp- that's a great pic.

--whatever, if you want the government to take away your constitutional rights, then fine. Want to become like Japan? fine. But i won't sit here and do nothing. i've gladly contributed 35 dollars to the nra for 2 years now. that's my last post for this thread.

Fuck y'all.
Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:05 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
well no children died from firearms in Japan last year, so yeah maybe we should look at what they are doing.

What are we gonna do about this?
" Where the men become boys and the women are play toys"
Student of Faceman's Teen Foreign Exchange Program
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

that's my last post for this thread.

Good, I'm sure no one here felt like hearing your retarded redneck bullshit any longer. Good fucking riddance. I've got an idea... how about making it your last post to the board? Shithead.

QT's right - Japan is incredibly safe. Do you know how fucking LOW the murder rate is there? Wanna know why? No backwards hick assholes like yourself.

I fucking hope, AndyKoom, that you have kids one day, and they get fucking shot to shit by some psycho. Maybe you'll learn something. Or maybe you'll be the psycho.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:18 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
FTL thank you, i thought he was only pissing me off. Glad to see someone agrees. :-)

What are we gonna do about this?
" Where the men become boys and the women are play toys"
Student of Faceman's Teen Foreign Exchange Program
The sky is blue
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:19 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Everything factors into it.

Parents need to be involved

Schools have to try to single out the "bullies"
I can remember some kids who were reallll effed up after getting picked on all the time. This one kid's parents tried all they could to remove the bully.....eventually they just had their kid switch school

Gotta be better gun control laws

In Britan where they basically outlaw citizens having guns, the murder and crime rate is WAY down.

All in all though just keep an eye on your kid


See My Sig Pics!
Froy's going to ban me so if you have any last words.... ;)

This message was edited by Fez on 3-5-01 @ 7:21 PM
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:22 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01 are an asshole...Tell the 2 kids that were killed; just because they went to school, that you donated money to the NRA...that'll make you look like a BIG MAN! Grrrr...

posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Guns have become ingrained in American Society. If you take them away a huge black market will emerge. The issue is not keeping guns out of ordinary citizens hands but keeping it out of kids hands. I am against the banning of guns because they are necesary. For example next year the country goes into chaos and a dictatorship emerges. That's when citizens need to take action. Of course, that's not likely but you never know what could happen. Maybe if politicians weren't motivated by money then they could find the best solution. But that isnt gonna happen.

posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:31 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I am a libertarian republican, and an NRA member. I will not get drawn into a big battle here, but I will leave these here as a thought bubble.

"No free man shall ever be debarred of the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
--Thomas Jefferson-

"1935 will go down in History! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient and the world will follow our lead into the future!
--Adolf Hitler-

Judge for yourself

Ya might wanna wipe off your shoes. Sorry!
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:33 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Sorry, another PS. I lost a cousin to a fucking asshole(her husband)with a bat. I don't protest baseball now.

Ya might wanna wipe off your shoes. Sorry!
Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
blue thanks for belittling my reasons for what i stand for with your baseball analogy. Im sorry for the loss of your cousin, I lost my grandfather who i am named after to a punk who was looking for drug money, the kid had an illegal firearm and was underaged and shot my grandpa in his place of business So if you could look in that black heart of yours and see where i am coming from, maybe just maybe you would understand why i am pained by the whole issue.

What are we gonna do about this?
" Where the men become boys and the women are play toys"
Student of Faceman's Teen Foreign Exchange Program
posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:47 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
sorry about both your losses


This message was edited by adolescentmasturbator on 3-5-01 @ 7:48 PM

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