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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Let's bring the debate here

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Let's bring the debate here
FaithLess Listener
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 4:35 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01

One point that really annoys me is when poeple say "Oh, but the poor animal feels so much pain." Well, what do you think hurts more, being shit once throught the chest, twitching for a little and then dieing, or being chased down by a pack of wolves nipping at your legs before being brought down and having your throat ripped out by their teeth.

This is very curious reasoning.

You are really going to try and say that because an animal MIGHT suffer a violent death in the wild it is ok for US to make them suffer whenever we please? I'll take my chances in the wild rather than having someone shot an arrow through my neck now.


I have never understood the "animal feels so much pain" argument. If you are killing an animal to feed your family, do you really care if the animal is hurt?

Everyone will agree that if it is necesary to feed one's family, oneself or any other human being, killing an animal is an appropriate course of action, but doing it for entertainment, in VERY inhumane ways, is what I have a problem with. Hunting is no longer a neccesity for survival in all but a few extreme circumstances.


If a bear is mauling you, and you gouge out its eye to save your life, are you going to wonder if the bear is hurt? No, you're lucky you're not food for Gentle Ben.

Do you really think that anyone believes it is wrong to kill or injure a vicious animal when your's or another person's life is in immediate danger. Hell...It is universaly accepted that it is ok to kill another PERSON if he/she threatens your life. NOBODY will say that you should let an animal or person harm you in any way to spare the attacker pain. But I should also say that even if a bear is ready to tear me into tasty bite size pieces I'd rather it be traquilized than killed.

Lemme state my point simply...

We humans should make every effort to avoid causing other creatures to suffer NEEDLESSLY.

If anyone cannot agree with that then we are at an impass. Causing any creature to suffer for no good reason, i.e. self preservation, is a cowardly, malicious, and a thouroghly disgusting act.

Having said that I should also add that I do NOT think hunting should be outlawed. People need to give it up willingly.

About guns...some of you probably assume that I think they should be outlawed...well I don't. If people feel as if they need a gun, trying to forcibly remove the right to posses one will only
further strenghen their belief that they need one, and rightfully so. Guns should only leave our society when people feel that they no longer need them. Only then will the transfer be a just one. Some may say this is a circular argument, (he has a gun so I need one too, ad infinitum,) but I don't think so. As society contiunues to improve, (exactly how, few will agree, but it will happen) and justice spreads, the desire to own firearms will decline, it already has begun.

More powerfull weapons make crime easier, but removing them will not remove crime, as stated above. The only real solution lies inside the human psyche. What exactly that solution is, no one knows....yet. But I really believe we are on the right track simply because we can sit hear and freely debate it.

Some say that harser laws and punishments will lower crime, and it may, but it doesn't get at the heart of our problems.

Well, to much babbling, I'm sure someone wil point out any inconsistancies that may exist above...and I look forward to it.

:::In the process of choosing some suitable quotes that are NOT from the Hitchiker's Guide:::
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 4:56 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01

We humans should make every effort to avoid causing other creatures to suffer NEEDLESSLY

If you are using the correct caliber rifle, and you can shoot straight, the animal will be dead before they hear the rifle shot. The prime shot is through the shoulder and through the heart. This is for two reasons. 1) It breaks the shoulder to keep the animal from running away, prolonging suffering, if they should survive the shot. 2) A shot in the heart from a high powered rifle will instantly kill just abount anything on this planet. It's not the penetration that kills the animal, it's the force behind the bullet. If you have to walk up to something you shot to end it's life, you are not a good shot, or you were just to damn anxious to shoot something. Go back to the range and learn to shoot.

I don't think most of the people on this thread are saying that hunting needs to be done to feed people. God knows we have enough livestock to take care of that. The primary reason hunting is encouraged by wildlife management is population control, not to feed anyone. Granted, the food that is a by product is an added bonus. Most hunters will happily eat what they shoot, or find people who will gladly accept the meat. I love deer, elk, bear, etc... It's even healthier than the meat in the local supermarket, as it generally has less fat in it. It is well known that Buffalo (which is now being raised as livestock) is a much healthier alternative to beef cattle. It has far less cholesterol and fat in the meat. Every time I see a dead deer on the side of the road, I think to myself, what a waste.


This message was edited by allyourbasearebelongtous on 6-14-01 @ 5:15 PM
FaithLess Listener
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 5:29 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
All your base....I said earlier that pop control is a valid issue, but doing it with bullets or arrows is unnecesary. Ted chooses to use brutal methods because he enjoys it. There are humane ways to deal with that problem....lethal injection or relocation for example. Relocation I will admit is impractical in most cases though. Also, someone pointed out, rather harshly, that you can't eat the meat after using a lethal injection, which he seemed to think I didn't realize. What he seemed to miss is that I think not being able to eat the animal is a loss that is well worth the cost of sparing the creature from suffering.

FaithLess Listener
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 5:32 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I see you've added a new first paragraph...ok...I do agree but is what u are saying realistic? Even the best of sharpshooters cannot anticipate anothers movement and make a instant kill every time. I would even say that most of the time even a great shooter will fail at an instant kill, especially with an arrow. It just seems pointless to me. I have been there, and I know the thrill of the hunt, but I think other things are more important.
The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 8:35 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

What he seemed to miss is that I think not being able to eat the animal is a loss
that is well worth the cost of sparing the creature from suffering.

Killing a animal and just throwing it away, is the epitome of arrogance.

This message was edited by The Painter on 6-14-01 @ 8:38 PM
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 8:57 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Painter - Great Point!

Oh gee I don't want to hurt the animal so I am going to get back at all those meanies by rendering the animal remains useless! I'll show them! What are you 3 yrs. old?

An Adoptee of Grumpy's Family of Wayward F-tards and Midgets.
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 9:07 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
shouldn't this be in off-topic by now? j/k

anyhoo...It's all part of the food-chain. We don't cry when lions kill to survive, just like lions don't cry when we kill to survive.

Lions use claws, we use difference there

we as humans evolved to become better killing machines due to our lack of claws and sharp teeth to become killing machines with guns.

what did we learn...lions need to evolve

as for hunting for depends strictly on the species in question. Killing a rabbit is no big whoop, they breed like...well rabbits. If you're hunting elephants, that's a different story. You're talking about an animal that takes two, 2 years to produce 1 offspring. They simply cannot reproduce fast enough.

You're not gonna take my hair and plant an evil Dewey are you?
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 9:24 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Jonesin - The Gloc is a great CARRY pistol with great weight, and because of a hidden hammer it is virtually snag-proof when you have to pull it, and it has absolutely NO kick to it.

The Sig however has the best Center of Gravity and AWESOME accuracy! It is the better of the 2 at the range! But I prefer the Gloc for carry because it hides so nicely in a shoulder holster!

An Adoptee of Grumpy's Family of Wayward F-tards and Midgets.
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 9:27 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I definitely agree Spuds, I love hunting, but am totally against the WILD Extreme Game hunters!

An Adoptee of Grumpy's Family of Wayward F-tards and Midgets.
posted on 06-14-2001 @ 9:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Hunting to feed your family? Are you insane? This is America. I have a Shop Rite down the road from me.

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posted on 06-14-2001 @ 11:32 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Yes Shop Rite is Great, but there is only one problem, they do not sell Venicin (Probably spelled wrong)!

An Adoptee of Grumpy's Family of Wayward F-tards and Midgets.
Sir Okonkwo
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 6:17 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Jeff said:

>> Hunting to feed your family? Are you insane? This is America. I have a Shop Rite down the road from me.

I say:

>> What about those people who don't trust meat packers and supermarkets, or even the butcher?? If I want to see my food go directly to my plate, without any middle man, who's to say I'm wrong for that? I can't go and get it for myself?? I'm sure Thomas Jefferson would have a problem with that.

No sig yet.

posted on 06-15-2001 @ 1:03 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
hunting good if you are eating what you hunt and don't hunt excess
gun: good and guns don't kill people, asshole people kill people ; gun control is using two hands moron

Arthur Dent
posted on 06-15-2001 @ 1:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
I am completely amazed this is still going.

As to alternate methods of population control, The Department of Fish and Wildlife has done studies for DECADES on other methods. The end result has ALWAYS been that the most successful, HUMANE, and cost effective way is controlled hunting. No, I don't have any numbers to quote, but the reports are pretty easy to find.

And as to buying meat in the store being more ethical than hunting, have you ever seen exactly how animals are treated and killed in slaughterhouses? Putting a bolt through a cows head is the OLD way! What they also do is coax the cows to stick their heads through holes in a wall with feed on the other side. Once the cow are in place, they tighten belts that lock the cows head in place. The a sharp blade pops up and slits the cows throat. The cow then quickly bleads to death on the spot. The mass production methods of animal slaughter are FAR crueler than ANYTHING a hunter does in the woods. Every single person who has posted here against hunting because it is cruel to animals should either be a vegitarian or admit their a hypocrit just because they don't personally see their dinner being slaughtered.

And, if you new anyhting about hunting, you would know that a successful hunter MUST study the animals, their environment, etc. and in the process find a deep appreciation and love for nature in all its splendor and ruthlessnes.

"I don't read books, but I have friends who do." -Presidential Candidate George W. Bush
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posted on 06-16-2001 @ 12:05 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01

Quote: "The second amendment does not grant individuals the right to bear arms. It grants the states (basically the locality) the right to produce an army independent of Federal Goverment control. This was done to prevent a tyrranical government. How/Why? The Chinese in Tinannen Square were masacred by, for a lack of a better term, "hick" soldiers who felt that the urban students were whiney and disloyal. An army of urban soldiers would have been more resistant to slaughtering the citizens."

Why do you think China has strict gun laws? Maybee so there will be no real resistance against 'hick soldiers'

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posted on 06-16-2001 @ 12:57 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I personally believe that we cannot outlaw guns. If we do it will open up a huge can of worms. First do you honestly think if we outlaw guns that criminals will just willingly give up their guns? Sure law-abiding people will but not the people we are worried about. As for hunting there are lots of people in the boonies and even here that much prefer to hunt than buy food. You are also forgetting that the Government can turn on you any second.

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posted on 06-16-2001 @ 2:45 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Well, precisely.

You can make anything you want illegal, but criminals (who have a nasty habit of doing illegal things) aren't really going to give a flying fuck about gun laws.

It's almost to the point of the MAD (mutually assured destruction) argument, the Ronald Reagan "Peace throught strength" policy, which worked by the way.

But we really have small arms proliferation out there, and there are so many guns out there that simply outlawing them won't even make a dent at getting rid of them or anything.

You truly would only be taking guns away from people who should be able to have them.

Adopted by Rone on 6/6/01

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