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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What bothers you about

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What bothers you about
Sean Cold 3:16
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 7:59 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

Wow you called me a silly one eyed fag, boy that hurts I did not know I had one eye and I am sure no one else did either. I posted to this thread because you said that it would have no bearing on peoples status here on the board. Well look at that, not only did you single me out, I am also no longer an adopter. That's funny because I thought I was a good adopter and always STUCK by this board. Bash me if you want, I really don't care. Call me one eye, call me a pirate or cyclops, I have dealt with it all my life and always will. But ya know what in the long run you are the one making an ass out of yourself not me.

alrighty, let me make things as simple for you to understand and get into that thick fuckin rotted, hollowed out skull of yours. Read Froy's post you silly nitwit, you are no longer an adopter because you have a conflict of intrest. The eye joke was the nicest thing I even posted to you that whole post. You hold nothing against people? Then why did it take you until now to grow a set and fight back? Can it be because you are just a spine less fuck face without an ounce of common sense?


You can bash him until you are blue in the face, but ultimately he is going to turn out to be "that old gag" and then the vet that everybody misses.

Listen here, Cleo, when someone betrays me and Lies to me, I will say whatever I want about him. You posting this is you trying to say we need to get over shit. Well, fuck that and fuck you. Did you ask me why I was pissed? Yes, asshole, you did. You already knew my thoughts on the issue, so why don't you just fuck that high horse you seem to be trying to ride.


Whether or not you agree with the reasons why someone leaves this message board, I think some people (Gonzo, Froy, Gooch and the rest) take it a little too personally.

If you don't care, why post this you lousy hypocrite. Your the one who made it known that you don't care but then you pull a Corpse and say this? You are such a cunt. Don't play your bullshit here, fuck face. I tried being nice to you but again, it was a waste of time and energy on both parts.


it never once stated that this was the only message board I could belong to and never stated that I could not start my own.

Again, I don't give a shit he started a fuckin board. He didn't even start it himself, the one who owns him did. He LIED to us you dick. But then again, you are used to lying, aren't you? But, my main issue is that he recruits his members from here, including dead wieght like yourself.

So do me a solid and be one way with me. Do not kiss my ass and then turn and act the way you really feel. I can tell you this, you may be a bigger disappointment than him. I thought me and you had a good rapport now, guess I was wrong.

And, look at that, I did a whole post without making fun of your disability once.

And That's The Bottom Line......

E-Mail Me

The Answer is no, I do not like you.

This message was edited by Sean Cold 3:16 on 10-14-01 @ 8:56 PM
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 7:59 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
What the F? You mean the I love Froy thing was a joke? We don't really love him? I'm crushed. Fuck it, I don't want to post here anymore. Gah dammit you confess your love for someone and it's a joke? Gah damn worthless message boards!

Who want's to play Afghan Bingo?
B1 - B52 - A10 - F15
BINGO! - Buh-bye Mother F'er
Oh and kissy-pie huggy-poo The Froy thing.

American Patriot, Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.
Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 8:00 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

shelle u know the people that are ur friends here care about u very much.

They have a funny way of showing it at times.

Wanna Get Me Wet?
Soon To Be Irish Citizen
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 10-14-2001 @ 8:15 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01

It's that quality (loyalty), that should be respected

I think that's an interesting point, one that most people don't realize carries an extreme amount of weight with me. Loyalty to me is more important than ass-kissing or special favors. Whenever a moderator resigns, the first thing I thank him for is his loyalty both to the board and thus to me personally.

Respect for the position is important, yet I think you should be as willing to respect each other for the time they have spent here, the intelligence they have presented, etc. There is a reason to respect each and every member here. Yet very often people cannot find that reason and are more interested in blaming the board policies, the moderators, or myself for what happens here. That is the problem that I see with

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 8:54 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00

I have been lurking for some time now and one of the changes that I have noticed is the type of controversy on the board. Whereas the controversy before was on the board (trashing new users and so on) there was a subtle and slow change as people met each other in person and the controversy became more personal. Now, with the new "nicey-nice" policy that is in effect, we have lost a little bit of that edge. Hell, even Fight Club is vacant ( all I see are Kegs and BBQ's).

I do think that the adoption policy does work to an extent. I was adopted and look at me! I think that it can work if the "newbie" is willing to get adopted but that needs to be their choice.

God bless all who are going to war for this great nation.

This message was edited by meatballnip on 10-14-01 @ 8:58 PM

posted on 10-14-2001 @ 9:14 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Whew, that was long...I've been a member for quite awhile so I guess I should add some things. I've made it so long around here, without even a strike because I've done my best to stay out of a lot of the personal drama and bullshit...sure, it's fun to read but I really have nothing to add to the situation. I'll add to a convo when I like someone, and if not I just stay away, not going out of my way to belittle the person.

But the most fun I'd had in a while was tooling on that dumbass Frenchie, so remicient of the old days. Being nicey-nice to new members who are just learning the ropes and calling a tool a "tool" are 2 different things, the only problem is that it's hard to judge between the two sometimes. This place changes as the members changed, who has come or gone, and that's beyond anyone's control.

But as far as cliques go, at least as far as the "Slackers" go, that just happened because the same people happened to be logged in at the same time and completely bored at work. So friendships were made, and you can't have any control over this. Cliques have also been formed from people who liked hanging out with each other at board parties, unfortunately rumors and fights will always happen once things get personal, but this again is the natural progression of things.

And try not to take everything so personally, that's a big problem I see, especially with newbies, just because they don't know how this place works at first. I got here just before adoption but if I had a problem I first went to IP and then Grumpy, it was a sort-of an unofficial adoption thing, someone took me under their wing because I wanted to make an effort to stick around. I don't think an "offical adoption" thing works. If someone just puts themself up for adoption because they were told to they still might not stay or they probably won't be less of a tool unless they feel like staying here. You have to make an effort to participate and see how this place work to feel included. It's up to you, if you just lurk you're not a part of it and you don't really have a right to complain.

And I admit I'm part of it, I'll read for awhile, but usually post nothing lately if I don't have anything that hasn't been said ten million other times. At least I've started posting in GD, but we all need to start doing that. Two weeks ago during the Dice-Mohr debacle more people started making show-related sig pics, and the board was mentioned at least 3 or 4 times. It's up to us to get this board noticed, and maybe they'll check out the board a little more often.

We Have Not YetBegun To Fight
I'm playing mommy to FN Sluggo...hey, 2 heads are always more fun :)
Kid Afrika
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 9:29 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
I feel as though I have to comment again at this point. I want to reiterate that I do like this board, as evidenced by the massive amount of time I spend posting here. I'm not always happy with the way things go, but I keep coming back. I think we all have our gripes about this place and some of the people in it. However, the fact that I am still able to post here says a lot about the people that run this place. I've never been the most openly positive person on the board. In fact, I usually cause more shit than an elephant with the runs. But, I'm still here, under your skin... For this, I am thankful that this place is hear to let me blow off steam and have a laugh or two.

While we all sit and ponder what we do and don't like about the board, maybe we should take pause and look at ourselves. I'm not going to name names, but why the fuck is their some sort of unstated contest to be the first to break a news story here? Remember that old quote, "don't go to CNN for dick jokes, don't come here for the news". While I know that world events are great for conversation, maybe (as someone already stated) just posting the article isn't enough. Post your take on it, editorialize it. Make it your own. My point is, we need to make our own changes, as a group or "community". We don't really need management to affect these changes. I'm just asking that you think about making posts that will create discussion. Rather than posts that are open-ended and just die out after 10 replies of "DILLON".

But then again, maybe I'm just posting to see the pretty words on the screen. :)

You need to git up, git out and git somethin
Don't spend all your time tryin to get high
You need git up, git out and git somethin
How will you make it if you never even try

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 10-14-2001 @ 9:41 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
where oh where should i start huh?? like gs and slash have stated before me, we have been here a long, long time. some may say we have overstayed out welcome even, but for the most part, this place is still a good place to come and blow off steam and have fun with other people. there are certain things that bother me about this place, hell nothing is perfect, but it isnt enough to make me stop coming here.
I think things around here drastically changed around here after 9/11. right afterwards things became more subdued around here. people were afraid to make jokes of any kind, regardless of the topic, because they thought it may be in bad taste to have fun or joke around with all the death and destruction that lay around us. and to tell you the truth, i totally agree with it. then wasnt the time for jokes and joviality. it was a time for somberness and reflection. after that we went through, and continue to go through actually. a time of anger, calls for revenge and satisfaction and dissatisfaction as to what is going on. again this is totally normal. with this however is coming a return to normalcy around here. people are joking more and more and tooling on each other like they did before. in this respect things will eventually get close to normal around here. will they ever truly be like they were before????? i personally dont think so, the world is a far different place than it was a month ago. we had no fears for personal safety, well some, but not on the grand scale that we see now. people have different priorities now than they did before. maybe the place will return to the way it was pre-9/11. i really hope so, but who knows right???
regardless of that there are a number of things about this place that bug me beyond belief. here are a number of them

  • Personal Grudges
    there are certain people around here who seem to jump on other's posts just because they dont like them. its not like they have an intelligent reason to do this, they just do it because this person started a thread. now i dont want to mention any names or single anyone out, but those posters know who they are and i have to say when they go back and forth with each other, its like 2 kids in a sandbox fighting over a shovel. its petty shit and it has to stop because its getting really fucking tired.
  • News Threads
    now i know i have been guilty of starting 1 or 2 of these in the last week, but only fun stuff that would probably be posted by someone else around here if they could find it. but Teenweek, WHOLLY SHIT, do you just scan all day long and post a thread here whenever they update their site???? because i have to say, thats what is seems like to me. Im sure everyone here reads news sites now just to keep in touch with whats going on. we dont need a constant news ticker telling us whats going on. if you want to do that, go work for cnn headline news. im not going to yell or scream or rant and rave about what you are doing, im just saying you need to stop. and soon.
  • adoption
    i think maybe this is a concept whos time has past. i dont know, im the one responsible, along with corpse, who came up with the idea to bring it back after it worked so well the first time. things around here were getting bad and the newbies were just running around here like chickens without heads. just posting whatever came into their mind. it was a pain in the ass to deal with and they were bashed. but things are a little different now i think. this board isnt brain surgery. if someone just takes the time and observes what goes on around here for a day or 2, they can pretty much catch on. anyone with half a brain can. if they have problems then people can help them out. maybe im wrong though
  • statuses
    people place too much weight on what status they have and what it says(read:rottenvinny) if you have a status, no matter if its good or bad, chances are, you probably earned it. myself and the rest of the mods dont just give out statuses to get our rocks off. in fact i cant even tell you the last time i changed someones status. it was probably dana's and we all know what she has done around here. i can only speak for myself here, but i dont give statuses based on any grudges i have against people or dislike for them. if i did, half you people would have shitty statuses;)
  • general discussion
    there is a lot of talk about why it has decreased in traffic lately. personally i dont know, i can give you the reason i dont frequent it, but im only 1 poster. other people's reasons may vary. i know this may sound like sacrilege but for the most part, with the exception of a couple of hours a week, i dont listen to the show anymore. why is that? well first of all, everyday life gets in the way of that. alot of the time when they are on im not near a radio, hence i cant. another reason has to be what has happened on 9/11. if i listen to anything during the day, it has to be 1010 wins. with the world constantly changing and the news becoming more important as of late, i feel the need to be updated on something that may directly affect my life, not updated on who norton wishes aids on. now dont get me wrong, i still love the show and i listen whenever i get a chance, but sometimes real life circumstances get in the way of having a good time listening to the boys. so if i dont listen to the show, there is no way i can keep up with whats going on in gs, hence the reason i dont post there. quick example, i went into gd the other day during the show and saw a thread about opie being 4 for 4. i clicked on it and i was totally fucking lost. had no idea what they were talking about so i got out of there quickly. my point is unless you listen to the show, you really dont have a reason to go to gd. that could be a reason for the decline in posts there.

all that said, am i worried about the board???? nah not even close. this board goes through its tough times and its flourishes and it will continue to do so. all i can suggest is to ride it out and keep having fun.

Across the field you see the sky ripped open
See the rain through a gaping wound
Pounding on the women and children
Who run Into the arms Of America-U2

Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 9:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I just don't care like I used to.

Love my friends here, still post and ply much time here...but just don't care, and don't get the rush that I used to.

For one span of time, this place was THE PLACE, with some great personalities intermixing with spectacular results, with mention, at times on air, to the insanity here. We came out and met one another, bringing it to a peak. And then it slowly petered down, with some excitement time-to-time, but has gotten lately to a crawl.

I've discussed this many times, driven this into the ground, and argued it from several sides. But, now I have to say it...I just don't care anymore. Either it will get better, or it won't. Maybe all of us will move on, and we'll be replaced with new blood, excited on what potential this site brings...the ability of O&A fans to communicate, interact, bring ideas, and what-not. Maybe we're all very spoiled right now. Have we really said all that can be said??? Have we posted all that could be posted??? I think that perhaps that some of us have lost sight of what this site allows us to do. And it sits and meanders with the weight of some meaningless drivel that I see in some of these threads lately.

You know what I miss:







I miss those lunkheads that riled us up, pissed us off, and made me passionate to rip on these assholes in a creative and meaningful way that really got under their skin.

CBH knows what I'm talking about. We discussed this so many times, lamenting & missing the "old days"...where, yes, it wasn't Camp Nicey-Nice and it more identified with the Wild West.

But...even ater that, and after Froy's desire to make us more accessable, I had the greatest of times. So, I think the Nicey-Nice complaint is a pile of crap. Yes, it wasn't the same as the old Wild West days, but those Wild West days, I assure you, would have killed us long ago. This site would be just an empty domain name if it had continued. And, though some feel that now in lieu of a more vaunted past...this site's future and content rests on your very feet. All of you, myself included, are to blame. All those reading this thread, sharing these feelings here, and who feel this way hold the key to the solution.

This site needs your attention, thoughts and contribution. This site needs less "Word Game" threads, and more meaningful discourse. People need to lay it out on the line again. They need to give more of themselves, and stop the IM'ing the pals some thoughts, and go back to posting and sharing on this board. This board is a great place, and I think alot of you have taken it for granted.

And let me take issue with the Board as a Community thought. If this board is truly a community..let be the one to finally state it...

This community sucks

If this is such a community, then we are a comminuty of mutes, or elitist shits who only communicate with a select few. This board had foundered more and more, as we have shut back into our turtle shells, or have chosen just to chat with a pal or two in IM rather than posting on the board.

The moment this board became a "Community" in reality or in imagination, one can connect it to the very point of decline in quality, excitement and interest.

What bothers me about is that we let it remain this way, and look for a bevy of excuses and other reasons besides ourselves as to why this site isn't the same anymore.


Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 10:30 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

Don't take it personally if I don't come over and sit down with you and get into any deep profound conversation. I am a recluse. I just want to relax and take it easy.

Oh, yeah? Then stop stalking me!



Jesus, Sean, did you crack open the dictionary for the spelling? lol j/k

What's wrong with this board? The simple answer is the death of sarcasm.

Jesus you fucking whining bithces, just joke around and get over yourselves. I'm not important, you are NOT important and nothing is IMPORTANT!

Just have fun. Stop looking for a surrogate life here. Make a joke, take a joke, have some fun and shut the fuck up.

Oh, and I, personally, think THE FROY is the bee's knees.

Strikes will be liberally handed out if you disagree with me!

Yeah, right. Lighten up you ass-monkeys!

Arthur Dent
posted on 10-14-2001 @ 11:28 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
I begin to wonder if the board gatherings have had a negative effect on the board.

Yes, I have a good time hanging out with everyone, but...

When nobody but a handful of poeple had EVER met in real life, this was just a game. It wasn't real. You weren't real people, just text in a screen. What do I care what text on a screen thinks of me?

OK, so I don't give a shit and still do what I've always done. (At least when I'm not too busy working lately) But, I see other people being careful of what they do because they don't want to make the wrong impression to people they are going to be having a beer with soon.

Just a thought. And everyone is right, this board is only as good as the people who post here are and the effort they put in.

Posting news articles nd games is LAZY (and YES I've done it too.) Hopefully, I'll be able to contibute something soon.
Just Jon
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 12:06 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Most of the things I feel have been covered already, so I'll just add my cent and a half...

Sometimes, let a joke die. Someone did something stupid 8 months ago. It was funny at first, but then every post in response to them brings it up. Fine, we know they did something stupid. Let it go, they're bound to do something again, anyway.

Grudges are fine, but even they have to be let go after a little while. Fine, you had your issues with someone. It made entertaining board at first, but now talk to them privately and work it out, since both of you are staying on the board anyway.

I agree with Gonzo that the unofficial parties are necessary. They were a bonding experience for the board, and helped us grow as a community. And there are some people who have really strong relationships with new firends because of it.

I don't like everyone on the board. No one does. But I respect most of the people who post here. They are strong willed opinionated people who know what they believe in, which leads to heated, opinionated discussions that become really interesting to be apart of.

Personally, I've had a lot of shit going on in my life, including a new job that takes up most of my time, that has kept me away from the board. And when I do have time, I'm not going to sit through the chat threads or read anything that doesn't have a topic that interests me, so I haven't posted much, but I've read a little bit in the past month.


E-mail: [email protected]
AIM: JonNeedsSN
Adoptee: I have an empty basement yet again...
I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 12:39 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
One hell of a thread to read after coming home from a weekend of camping....

I've been here for some time, and the "whats wrong with OA.Com" threads have sprung up on occassion. Is the board slower lately? It sure is, even on my part. I have my days where I'm on all day long (at work, then at home) and then I'll go a few days without even being online, let alone the board (like this weekend for me, for example). I don't personally think there is anything "wrong" with the board, but I will sound off on a few popular topics that have been raised...

Adoption - If the "adoptee" takes it seriously, it works fine. I was adopted, and I turned out well. Adopters can really only do so much - spell out the rules, make a few suggestions, answer a few "how do I make a sig" questions, but it ultimately comes down to the member being adopted. If they take it seriously, they'll have no problem getting along on the board.

Statuses - I find it funny that not only in the FAQ but in practically EVERY THREAD that it is done in, people are routinely told not to bitch about their status, for fear of getting one worse. I personally don't care what mine says, so long as it is somewhat relevant to something I posted or did, etc. Most people's statuses can be traced to a memorable thread or board-function, and it adds character to that member. But don't bitch to have it changed - if anything, theres a handy tool called EMAIL that might work for you. Email a mod, any mod, and state your case as to why your status should be removed or modified, and hope for the best. Airing out your displeasure of it on the board is just asking for trouble.

News threads - I agree, the Daily News blurbs and articles could be done without - with exception to Wrestling News. By getting all of my wrestling updates here, it saves me from the pop-up hell that is whenever I'm at work.

Nicey-nice factor - its a necessary evil, and if its the law of the land, then so be it. Besides, occassionally some tool decides he's gonna join OA.Com to fuck with us, and he's usually discovered within seconds of his first "FU TO O&A" post. Over-zealous tools looking to start shit = always fun to fuck with.

Personal shit on the board - Its bound to happen on a board as closely woven as this is, but I think a lot of personal shit is best left off the board and kept betweeen those members involved. Posting of it just leads to more people getting involved. I've never had a problem with anyone here except for Cacasmooches, and that prick deserved every lashing he got from myself and others here.

Thats really it - Again, the board is not something that can simply "fix" itself. We, the members are the board, and we make it what it is. Its not about so-and-so who has 6,000 posts vs. someone else who has 300, but more importantly the quality of those posts. I would also like to see more board gatherings, especially since I've never been to one and have really been looking forward to trying to make the next one and meet some of you people.

..Land of the free...home of the brave...

Cementbag has enrolled in Goatweed University, but I've got one open seat left!
Email me here or AIM me at Organic999 to apply!!

posted on 10-15-2001 @ 1:05 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70


shelle u know the people that are ur friends here care about u very much.

They have a funny way of showing it at times.

This is another thing that bothers me you fuckin whiney attention whores. Shelle I personally spent a lot of time talking to you and tried to help you. But it got really annoying when you started the suicide guilt trips on me in IM and then on the board. I fuckin hate you people who come here and burden threads with your "have sympathy for me" posts. Life sucks get the fuck over it. I understand one thing in posting in FU to get shit off your chest and have your friends here on the board talk with you. But when that is all you do bitch and fuckin moan and repeat the same mistakes over and over and then continue to bitch about them, then sorry you are a fuckin retard. Give it a fuckin rest you are mostly teens who have not left the security of home yet to trully experience the hardship of life, it gets worse how will you face up then?

If I could capture the rage of today's youth and bottle it
Crush the glass with my bare hands and swallow it
And spit it back in the face of you racists
And hypocrites who think the same shit but don't say shit
You Liberaces, Versaces and Nazi's watch me
You motherfuckers wanna judge me cuz you're not me

She-Mail Me Here

Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 1:06 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Jon, HGW... care? :)

Now reduce your sigs by 6, 5 pixels respectively LMAO

Funny how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns

Write To Me Here

AIM: SmarterChild

i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 1:29 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

This is another thing that bothers me you fuckin whiney attention whores. Shelle I personally spent a lot of time talking to you and tried to help you. But it got really annoying when you started the suicide guilt trips on me in IM and then on the board. I fuckin hate you people who come here and burden threads with your "have sympathy for me" posts. Life sucks get the fuck over it. I understand one thing in posting in FU to get shit off your chest and have your friends here on the board talk with you. But when that is all you do bitch and fuckin moan and repeat the same mistakes over and over and then continue to bitch about them, then sorry you are a fuckin retard.

Thats why I fucking love reading gonzo's posts. He says exactly what everyone else is thinking, but doesn't want to say. Honesty, sometimes brutal honesty, always makes for interesting converstion.

fucking admit it. the sean cold manifestos are some of the most fun and interesting and best threads to read, if you're not the one he's talking about. that kind of posts, obviously not as prevalent in the new age of 'nicey-nice' made this place a lot like the O&A show...funny in a way thats really uncomfortable. We are a site that exists because of a radio show that thrives on "Cringe Radio" aren't we? that aspect i think has left the board a little bit, in this nicey-nice atmosphere. like seph said, its not for everyone, but for those who can take it it makes this place more fun.

And I'm still here waiting there, to catch you if you fall
I don't know why I care so much, when I shouldn't care at all

We made Georgia Tech our BITCHES!!!!

6-0!! GO TERPS!!

This message was edited by CriticsLoveSnatch on 10-15-01 @ 1:36 AM
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 1:35 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00

I fuckin hate you people who come here and burden threads with your "have sympathy for me" posts. Life sucks get the fuck over it.

GS, you hit #74 right out of the park.
C'mon, is it really that necessary to post every major problem you have. I know this is a community, but do you always expect someone to be sorry every single time, especially when certain facts about a person can be unknown.

FUCK BIN LADEN!!!! We'll show you a "holy-shit war!"

Justin Rowe,
proud citzen of New York State
and the USA.
St Johns.U.'04

crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 3:14 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
well, i wasn't gonna say anything, because i think it's all been said already. fact is, this is just a message board, it's gonna have ups and downs, it's gonna reflect the show. the more it's mentioned there the more influx of asses it will bring. which in turn brings more regulars.
the adoption thing works if it's used as a way to explain the way things go around here, but nothing more, and honestly, it's probably not necessary, there's plenty of us here who got along fine without it. as far as cliques go, i guess i'm walking around with my head in the sand cos i've never really noticed people being specifically excluded from things. obviously in a group this large you're gonna have people who click and become close friends, in my eyes that's not a clique, that's human nature. anyway, that's all i've got for now, maybe if i come up with anything else specific i'll let ya know.
ps, gd hasn't been particularly active for a long time and there hasn't been a lot going on, perhaps if we all care this much about the board, we could all make an attempt to talk about the show. personally i don't always get to hear it, and when i do i'm not necessarily at the computer, but maybe i'll try to make a new effort, and maybe everybody else will too, we'll see....

*edit, ok this just came up in conversation, i never claimed to be much of an orator, but ask me and i'll answer: names have been changed to protect the innocent (well, actually i was pretty much talking to myself, but don't think you'll get my aim name that easy...)
"crxgirl": i dunno dude
"crxgirl": the big influx happened like, what october to february?
"crxgirl": and that was the prime time too right
"crxgirl": plus that was when it was being discussed on the show most
"crxgirl": maybe that's the key

i dunno, just my opinion...

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) crack hitler belongs to me :)
need me? try: [email protected]

This message was edited by crx girl on 10-15-01 @ 3:41 AM
what's a status?
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 7:37 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I promise the entire board no more boring news threads ever in Off Topic. Since so many people hate them, I will only post a news thread if I find it really funny or it is a story that I found interesting, but was buried somewhere in the paper.

It is probably better now if I don't post this stuff, so I can start concentrating on my job more.

I only posted newsthreads to get discussions started on topical news. I enjoyed hearing people's opinions on the news of the day. I know a lot of people read newspapers or websites, but many don't. But from now on, I'll let other people post the news and I'll just reply if I want to.

This message was edited by TeenWeek on 10-15-01 @ 7:48 AM
Sean Cold 3:16
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 7:51 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
I know this sounds a tad on the lame side, but this thread has made me a little happier being here. For once in a long time, there was an intelligent convo that people actually took time to think of a response, for the most part anyway.

I can't say that all the shit mentioned here will change, but this is a start, already the adoption bullshit is being retooled so who knows what else can come from this.

Teenweek, thanks for understanding and not being a cunt about it.

And That's The Bottom Line......

E-Mail Me

The Answer is no, I do not like you.

Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 9:28 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
There's some things that bother me about, but most of the people already said the same answers, so I'm not gonna go over it for the upteenth time.
However, This is the first place that gave me the Initiative to get my ass out there and have fun. This the first place I came to to find O&A listeners who are deranged like me, and the last time I checked, I wasn't told to get lost.
Yes things change, and yes things are not what they use to be. But change is change.
I don't post as much, because the novelty wore off for me, not because of recent events. But this is still my home, no matter how dysfuncional it is.
We're a community, and that's how things go.

There are 3 types of leaders and heroes.
Some are born leaders, some are built from the ground up by experience, and some are the right people at the right time.

Now accepting two recruits for the revived Armored Division.
Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 9:47 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well since i had some time to kill I figured I would answer the thread...

There are honestly only a couple of things that bother me about the board itself. I have met such great people here, some who are great friends, a bunch of you gave me a birthday party I will never forget and others know how to make me laugh so much and are here when I have a problem.

I don't like the twofacedness on this board, granted its only with some people but it gets really annoying since alot of us know each other on a personal level. We shouldnt have to be second guessing all the time if we can trust a person that we thought we were close to. I hate the people that talk to you pretend to be your friend, just to try and get info out of you and then go kiss ass to the mods and tell them what they hear. Im not saying this has happened to me personally, I am talking from what I have heard from numerous people. If you have to be twofaced to better yourself on an f-ing message board, you are so sad!!! The asskissing is so annoying. Like all the mods and admins said, they are just people, granted they are in charge of the place but geez some people put them up on pedestals and it shouldnt be like that at all. Respect them yes, kiss their asses and get scared when they enter a room - no. Well maybe you should fear some of them ;-) We are all people here, they keep the decorum around here, that is what they were asked to do.

As for me taking a joke, I can take one just as well as the next, but when they are personal and coming from a person that I considered a friend, it made me wonder alittle. I couldnt give two, TWO shits right now about what is in my status and what is being said about me, granted last week I did and that was stupid of me, but life is too short to be annoyed about petty bullshit like that. If you are wondering why the sudden change of heart, yes Gonzy maybe you helped me realize it alittle when we talked in IMs but something major happened in my life this week that helped me realize it more.

As for my FU's I express myself best in writing, and that forum helps me vent so much so I don't go crazy. Im not looking for sympathy nor attention, I just needed to vent plain and simple.

As for the other topics people brought up, yes the news threads get annoying

Adoption - hmmmm it saved me from the wrath of Upu, unlike alot of you I had the luxury of being adopted by a mod so I did learn alot and I was put in my place when I was wrong about some things. As for me adopting people, I dunno they all seem to dwindle after they are done with their "adoption" Can't really comment if adoption paid off or not for them, Wage did good on here but he hasnt been around much either.

Board functions - official and unofficial I have fun at both. Should there be more I think yes, but at the same time seeing everyone on a personal level more often just premotes more rumors. And rumors around here are as frequent as an Obsessive-compulsive person washing their hands. I graduated high school a few years ago, didn't know I would have to deal with that BS again.

Alright there are my two cents, twofaced people and asskissers suck. Oh and so do instigators, they are annoying too.

I can't believe the news today
Oh, I can't close my eyes
And make it go away

I support the creation of an Astrology forum. If you do too, please add this line of text to your Signature.

posted on 10-15-2001 @ 10:03 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Could it be that we went from a board that revolved around Opie and Anthony to a board that revolves around the people here?


We MUST strike against the nations, which advocate, implement, harbor or financially support terrorism, by not purchasing their products or supporting their businesses!
Jon Benet Norton
GTA3 Criminal Activity Specialist
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 10:12 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00
As of lately my problem here has been the lack of quality discussions and the increase of redundant ones. I've spent the last few weeks just lurking around, reading some of the posts. And now it's a lot of the same stuff. Every so often we get a treat in the form of a sick and twisted GS story or a Sean Cold manifesto. But that hasn't been the way here recently. And yes, some of it has to do with 9/11 and some of it has to do with people not having the time to do these things (rants, manifestos etc.). When I first got here in Dec. I used to love reading the "Inane post of the day", "Sean Cold's manifesto" or "Mansex in the Gonzo Style" <---(sorry dude, couldn't think of a past title from you so I did the best i could :) ).
The tooling was and always will be fun, but not when its 30 something posts saying go and get adopted. And I think the adoption thing has seen its time come and go. The nicey nice aproach was another thing that has seen its time. And the only reason it has seen its time is because all you see now is "Go get adopted right now". It's overkill and it's done now.
I'm not gonna say anything about GD because personally I don't really post there. It's kinda like voting, I don't vote so I don't bitch about politics. I gon't post in GD so I won't bitch about it.
The only thing I am gonna mention about other boards is basically what Froy said earlier, they are separate entities from this one. Whatever was said about whomever was said and thats it, because in all honesty they (other boards) don't play in as a factor here at all. They have nothing to do with this place anymore and it should be left at that.

Click here to check out my band
"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent" -Machiavelli-
Wanna be adopted? Click on my sig to email me.
King f-tard
posted on 10-15-2001 @ 11:07 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
I so agree with most of whats been said, theres no reason for me to repost anything like that. but my ideas are simple.

Just hang out and have fun. Poke some fun at people. Make rude and sick jokes. And who the f cares about your status, its funny, thats all, I just got a new addition to mine and I think its funny. If you are an ass-f, you will get an ass-f status (i.e. Vinny) Just dont be stupid. How f'n hard is that. People bitch and complain and moan about stupid little shit like that, when they forgot the true meaning of this board. I guess its still about O&A, although I hardly listen to them anymore, I have no time, so I guess for me this is more of a place to chill and talk to friends I have made.

And someone said it best earlier: If you dont like the way shit is here, FUCKIN LEAVE. That simple.

Currently both of my positions are empty. If you are interested in adoption, IM me Or E-Mail Me

I must remember to bend down at first base.

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Displaying 76-100 of 165 messages in this thread.