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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - The Crack Committee

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Rich Vos is the emobdiemnt of all that is teh funney
posted on 10-22-2001 @ 10:39 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I'm going out on a limb here and say the yankees have this one wrapped up. It feels great to be Yankee fan tonight


Cluster F
posted on 10-27-2001 @ 11:05 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well, i think its safe to say that most of our committee has been torn apart this postseason. I am still here, and still rooting for someone to beat them, but i know that the inevitable is coming. It is so damn frustrating that the yankees will most likely win yet AGAIN. I could, and will, root for Arizona all i want to, and it wont make a difference, because those damn yanks will probably win again. I am not a huge Arizona fan, they are almost the same type of team the yanks are, because Arizona is a bunch of free agents, and their fans are idiots. But, i have an indifferent attitude toward them, so i will root for them anyway.

All i have to say is, Arizona...PLEASE make the World Series competitive!!!

AIM: GMoneyBagz

Crack Committee

Objective 1: Root for Yankees to exit from playoffs- in process
Objective 2: Root for Braves to exit from playoffs- COMPLETE
Objective 3: Root for the Diamondbacks to win the World Series
Cluster F
posted on 10-27-2001 @ 11:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well, it wasnt competitive, but the team i thought might pull away ended up getting killed themselves. Lets not say the yanks are finished yet, because they arent, they have tons of resolve. But, at least they wont sweep now, and maybe things can get a little sticky for them.

AIM: GMoneyBagz

Crack Committee

Objective 1: Root for Yankees to exit from playoffs- in process
Objective 2: Root for Braves to exit from playoffs- COMPLETE
Objective 3: Root for the Diamondbacks to win the World Series
Alkey gave me my bonus points back.
posted on 10-27-2001 @ 11:37 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
i kind of want the series to get to a 7th game just to see clemens have to bat for once

Graduate of AFDude's Academy
123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 10-28-2001 @ 9:28 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
holy shit, i have been watching the game so far, what a pitching match-up Johnson is incredible, he's fanning everyone :) 2-0 heading to Yankee Stadium

I have had enough with Sig Pics, I should have gotten adopted!


posted on 10-28-2001 @ 10:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Well, the Yankees are the King of comebacks, but it looks like they'll need it this time. 2 games gone by, 2 masterpieces by AZ pitchers. Yankees are also making defensive mistakes, something they hadn't been doing.

Brian Andersen has been hittable this year, but Yanks have to beet Schilling or Johnson to win.

Lets see What Clemens can do in the big ballyard in the Bronx.

Side note: Friday I listened to "Sportsguys", and Craig was quite funny in his verson of Crack Committee, much better than WFAN's Dog version.

This message was edited by PeterDragon on 10-28-01 @ 10:51 PM
posted on 10-28-2001 @ 11:04 PM      
Registered: Sep. 01
At least Craig's Crack Committee bit isn't fake radio like WFAN's is. When Mad Dog switched to the Yankees (again) when they were down 2-0 to Oakland, it was so fake I nearly broke my skull slamming it against the wall (I hate those people that exaggerate).

You can tell it's fake when they overloaded on commercials in the 1-3 hour that day, and didn't take a break for nearly 45 minutes when the 'bit' happened.. They never talk for that long a time without taking a commercial or a flash. At least with the 'SportsGuys (mornings!),' it's real.

14 day mission complete. Graduated by PatCooper Sept. 17. -- Nat'l Aeronautics & Space Administration
Cluster F
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 11:32 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well, things are getting just a little bit more interesting now :). The D'Backs won the gameas they had to win, bottom line. The thing is that in order for the yanks to win this thing, they have to beat Johnson or Schilling, and that aint easy (notice how im not jumping to any solid conclusions yet lol). Game 3 is a must for the Yanks, but right now, the D'Backs are holding them up by their balls.

AIM: GMoneyBagz

Crack Committee

Objective 1: Root for Yankees to exit from playoffs- in process
Objective 2: Root for Braves to exit from playoffs- COMPLETE
Objective 3: Root for the Diamondbacks to win the World Series
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 5:58 PM      
Registered: May. 01
GO ARIZONA!!! I'm not a Mets fan or a fan of any baseball team, cause frankly, I think baseball sucks worse than golf or tennis. Wanna put me to sleep, put on a baseball game. It's hockey season!! LET'S GO RANGERS!!


United We Stand! U.S.A.
123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 8:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
no no no, if you really want a nap, watch a CART race, the only one who can stay up the whole race and tell you about it is NYR2728225653835839392382

I have had enough with Sig Pics, I should have gotten adopted!


posted on 11-06-2001 @ 10:29 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
With apologies to Sheetbag, teenweek,and a couple of others,
this NY times article, written by a lifelong yankee fan, might explain why some of us join the Crack Committee.

For those who want to go to original article,
Yankee Hater NY Times

Hate the Yankees? This Harangue Is for You

For as long as I can remember, the Yankees have been America's Team and for as long as I can remember people have tried to deny it. This has become a complicated issue now that some people have allowed themselves to temporarily root for the Yankees. They claim they are rooting for New York as a symbol of their nation under attack. They are really giving themselves permission to get in touch with their feelings briefly. In nature, all fans are Yankee fans. There is only one true team.

I may be the only person qualified to explain this to you, especially if you are among those people who have proudly proclaimed themselves "Yankee haters." This is absurd. Exactly which Yankees do you hate — the Bambino, the Iron Horse, the Clipper, the Scooter, Mr. October, Mr. November, Alfonso Soriano?

If the previous two paragraphs got your back up, evoking memories of helplessness before condescending, smug, know-it-all authority, this harangue is for you. Please take it to heart; you can respond to [email protected]. You know if you are one of those so-called Yankee haters who really hates yourself. This is pathetic because it is unnecessary.

You should be hating the emblems of arrogance and power you have attached to the Yankees to excuse your own mediocrity.

You should be hating Yankee fans, who are nothing more than you with an undeserved sense of superiority.

I have always known this, born in the Bronx as an Original Fansta, and reared in pre-Mets Queens when there were three teams in the city and a child could make a rational choice without peer pressure. The Giants were empty uniforms, the sporting equivalent of "suits," a Broadway fancy. The Dodgers were a left-wing, working-class conceit; their insignificance made it possible for them to make history with Jackie Robinson, baseball's only true hero. The Yankees, who did not move away to make more money, were about professionalism, poise, pride.

Which is not to say that Yankee fans are necessarily about professionalism, poise, pride. This became clearer over the last few years as I moved out of the insulation of the press box to sit in the stands with friends. I've come to the unsettling opinion that Mets fans are frequently better behaved and classier than Yankee fans. Maybe because they don't take winning as an entitlement, they don't take losing as personally. Maybe because they watch the National League, they know more about good baseball. They certainly seem to have a greater appreciation for good visiting players. Maybe because they don't identify with an owner like George Steinbrenner, a role model for the worst in fandom (a delusional fantasy league participant), they are less likely to view players as objects created for their self-expression.

Thursday night, when the typically loud and beer-stupid yahoo sitting behind me in the tier boxes pitched forward and knocked me crown over can into the next row, I had to remember that for eight innings he had been a passionate Yankee fan. I demurred when my friend Mike suggested we have him thrown out of the park. I was unhurt, no harm no foul. The weak-minded should not be punished for being clumsy.

In the ninth, when Scott Brosius homered to tie the game, I reluctantly gave in to his whining entreaties for forgiveness and high-fived him. But come Friday morning, when Soriano singled home the winning run, I refused to hug him. He reminded me that he had said he was sorry, and then he cursed and threatened.

While he was a particularly obnoxious version, Yankee fans have long been the ugly Americans of sport. Like the old stereotype of Americans abroad, Yankee fans flaunt an assumption of wealth and dominance. In their case, it's from wearing pin- striped shirts bearing the numbers of the most storied players in baseball history — the Babe (now known as the Michael Jordan of his time), Lou Gehrig (if he hadn't died under contract, he would still be playing and nobody would know Cal Ripken), Joe DiMaggio (less mysteriously dignified but more interesting since the recent publication of a sour bio), Yogi Berra (in a deserved comeback as the role model for Yoda) and Mickey Mantle (redeemed by a gutsy death and Billy Crystal's movie, "61*"). Even the most important writer-athlete in history was a Yankee, Jim Bouton.

Yankee fans never quite get this, wandering the baseball universe in their hero shirts, wondering, "Why do they hate us?" They hate you, stupid, not Yoda Berra. Yankee fans settle on the comfortable notion that the fans of all those developing teams are simply jealous of our swollen payrolls, our World Series rings, our enshrinements in the Hall of Fame.

Yankee fans never understand that other fans, even though they don't always know it, hate the way that Yankee fans make them feel second-rate. Of course, since they are not Yankee fans, other fans are second-rate. I told you this was complicated.

Maybe if the Yankees had stuck with their original name, the Highlanders, there would be a tad less animus. As harmless as it seems in the Northeast (where a Yankee is a lanky old hairy-eared crank from Maine), the word Yankee can evoke animosity. There are people in the South who smell oppression, people in some political circles who hear imperialism. There are people in baseball who have both feelings; how could Oakland, with a $30 million payroll, beat the Yankees with their $120 million worth of players? It couldn't.

Pity the overheated expectations of fans of the Arizona Diamondbacks (named for a vicious but overrated rattler that Challenger, the bald eagle, could have for lunch, a ballpark snake). The 'Backs are a sort of third world expansion club lucky enough to discover two great natural resources, Curt Schilling and Randy Johnson. The two pitchers dominated the Yankees in the way that Yankees traditionally dominated other teams. But that was in Phoenix.

In New York, the Arizona players became tourists, perhaps even temporary Yankee fans. They toured ground zero and were expectedly overcome by the immensity of the tragedy. They said that if any city could come back from such a catastrophe, it was New York. Such an honest human reaction is not helpful when it subtly translates into, if any team can come back from being two down in the World Series, it's the team from New York, America's Team, the symbol of our nation under attack.

The 'Backs did not exactly roll over for the Yankees, but they made errors, lost concentration, failed to capitalize on possibilities in the next three amazingly satisfying games at Yankee Stadium. The Yankees rose from their twin defeats, never stopped trying, never lost their poise, pride, professionalism.

This was important for longtime Yankee fans, for October Yankee fans, for the more recent October-November Yankee fans. They could believe that they, too, would clamber up from their setbacks.

But there is, alas, a fatal disconnect here that may be unique to, or at least more pronounced among, longtime Yankee fans. The Yankees actually went out and played better baseball, smarter, harder, classier baseball, than the other teams. On the other hand, Yankee fans merely hooked onto the results and claimed their victories by just acting smugger, more arrogant, more condescending toward non-Yankee fans. When fans don't even have the true condescension of noblesse oblige, much less the sly hypocrisy of humility, you can never be sure what they will do.

No one understands this better than the police department of the First Fan, Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Hardly had the Yankee players left the field when riot cops, their face shields down, ran onto it. A troop of police cavalry cantered out to form a skirmish line facing the bleachers. It looked as though Custer's team was expecting an attack from Braves and Indians.

But they were just protecting the Yankee players and Yankee Stadium from Yankee fans, the people whom other fans should hate, the yahoos who fall on each other.

what's a status?
posted on 11-06-2001 @ 12:02 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Which is not to say that Yankee fans are necessarily about professionalism, poise, pride. This became clearer over the last few years as I moved out of the insulation of the press box to sit in the stands with friends. I've come to the unsettling opinion that Mets fans are frequently better behaved and classier than Yankee fans. Maybe because they don't take winning as an entitlement, they don't take losing as personally. Maybe because they watch the National League, they know more about good baseball. They certainly seem to have a greater appreciation for good visiting players. Maybe because they don't identify with an owner like George Steinbrenner, a role model for the worst in fandom (a delusional fantasy league participant), they are less likely to view players as objects created for their self-expression.

The NY Times sports section is a bunch of dribble. The guy is an idiot. I would never ever read the Sports section in the Ny times as it sucks just like the writers. He criticizes Steinbrenner because you actually have an owner who puts his money BACK INTO THE TEAM instead of THEIR OWN POCKET. The National League is the better league, why since 1991, the AL has won 7 World Series while the National League has won 3. If the National League is so much better why do they choke so bad in the World Series.

Mets fans are more classy. That is why during this dynasty, the Crack Committee was formed and you pray for every other team in baseball to win but the Yankees. The Mets and Red Sox consistantly lose every year (more towards the Red Sox as the Mets did reach it last year). Yet they show tremendous bias to the yankees. I will be perfectly honest, if Oakland, or Seattle beat the Yankees, I would not have really cared who won. If the Mets made it and the Yankees did not, I would have put aside my hatred for them and hoped they won it do to the tragedy. I can't stand the Mets but I was happy for them during their little run after the tragedy and yes it did help the city. Red sox fans can go to hell. Yankee fans are saying it was a good run and there is a good chance the Yankees will be back and stronger than ever. The Mets make it to the World Series against the yankees and they let their best free agent in hampton walk and pick up crap as free agents while arod and whoever else went elsewhere. The Mets have money too, but Wilpon and Phillips are just too cheap to spend it.

This message was edited by TeenWeek on 11-6-01 @ 12:23 PM
posted on 11-06-2001 @ 1:57 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
maybe this gets you emotional, and so, defensive, which is why I tried to separate you out.

Yes, there are idiot met fans, and idiot yankee fans, good met fans, and good yankee fans. The point of the article, written by a Yankee fan is that the yankee victories have spawned an increase in idiot yankee fans. You want to tell me they aren't representative - fine. I'll buy that. However, they do exist, and they are quite vocal.

Steinbrenner is a different issue. Look at Yankee history. George has been a hindrance to Yankees at least as much as a help. The Yankee rise to elite status began when he was suspended and let Stick Michael make decisions. He helps the yankees as much as Jerry Jones helps the Cowboys. The difference is Yankees have been lucky enough to hire a few people who know how to keep him under control.

The pro NL issue isn't reflected in talent. the idea, if you buy it, is anti-DH. If you don't buy that argument, so be it. That is like getting you to change your religion - I could never argue enough to convince you.

Once again, the issue is not the Mets. The issue isn't the Yankee players. The issue isn't the majority of respectable Yankee fans - it is the vocal minority of assholes, like the one he discussed in his article.

There is no evidence that Met fans would or would not act this way; they didn't in the mid-80's is all we can say. Maybe it is an age thing, maybe it is because the Yankees have been winners for 5 years instead of 1.

This is what others feel.

There are lines in the article which could support your opinion that some anti-Yankee fans are simply bitter. However, this is why the ranks have risen beyond what they were in the past. Maybe you don't see it, because it doesn't affect you. Trust me, its there.

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