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I'm all for restructuring the welfare system to get people off of it and into a job. I just question the amount of people that would really want to get themselves off of welfare even with a boost from the government (how very republican of me).

Also the problem I have with the taxing the rich mentality is essentially that a lot of the rich people are in charge of companies. If they start feeling the brunt of a 50% 60% 70% income tax (who knows when it would end), they will eventually have to cut there losses. Jobs will be lost. I thought the idea was to keep people employed.
Quote:Originally posted by Silera
I don't have a problem with the terror alert as much as the fact that even though I've been alerted, I don't feel safer.

We've been fighting the war on drugs for 30 years, and truckloads, shiploads, and airplane fulls of drugs still get into this country. 10% of our imports are checked. A lot of unemployed people could be put to work at our ports to address that problem. Also, instead of putting all our money and effort to make illegal immigrants stay underground, let's register them all, make them pay taxes and know where the fuck they are. Instead of creating a class of citizens that are uneducated, unemployed, and dependant on the government to keep them housed and fed we could take the same money and say here's a downpayment, here's a low interest loan, here are affordable homes that you can buy and not have to move to bumble fuck Idaho. You have the options after that move ahead and try for more.

I want government to start providing for our society and not the other way around.

I have been saying this for years now , If you can get a kilo of coke/weed/heroin into the country you can get anything into the country.
I don't want to tax the rich. I don't want to pay more taxes at all. I'd like a flat tax and a national sales tax. I'd just like the money they already have not to be spent on stupid shit.
Sorry I was just off in my own little world.

I'd like a flat tax or a consumption/transaction tax (whatever it's called) probably the same as the sales tax. But either or. Not both.
Quote:I just question the amount of people that would really want to get themselves off of welfare even with a boost from the government (how very republican of me).

Oh there are people that will always be content with the bare minimum, but even if they are content with nothing, I'd rather spend money to have content fools than spend more money to keep the unhappy hungry poor fucks in jail, and deal with the repercussions of their fucked up life such as murder, drug use, gangs, theft, etc.
makes sense.
If people didn't die from hearts stopping, then they would continue to live a slowly deteriating life.

See, the difference about terrorism is that somebody else has made a decision on when you die, and not yourself. Much like the irony of having a suicide watch on death row. The state wants to kill you for your crimes to society; you are not allowed to kill yourself.
Quote:Originally posted by Sloats
If people didn't die from hearts stopping, then they would continue to live a slowly deteriating life.

See, the difference about terrorism is that somebody else has made a decision on when you die, and not yourself. Much like the irony of having a suicide watch on death row. The state wants to kill you for your crimes to society; you are not allowed to kill yourself.

So the state is like the terrorist. Wanting to play god and control when and where you die.
They don't? Ever?
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